people from uk only

i had to write a bookreview in english and the teacher gave me 19/50 cause he was shitting on some tiny minor mistakes. And i don't even get why its wrong, i can't even believe it IS wrong tbh :s

My sentence :

Jane is a very honest and loyal girl, who never could tell life is easy

teacher :

Jane is a very honest and loyal girl, for whom life was never easy

my sentence :

She can put her feelings and emotions aside, and take decisions which she believes are right in the ethical an moral view

teacher :

She can put her feelings and emotions aside, and take decisions which she believes are ethically and morally right

my sentence :

I feel sad to say, that to me, the best thing that the book had to offer is bringing you in the atmosphere of that time and place.

teacher :

I feel sad to say that to me the best thing about the book is that it brings you in the atmosphere of that time and place.

my sentence:

If you want to read an exciting story, you definitely do not have to start with this book.

teacher :

If you want to read an exciting story, this is definitely not it.

and a few more of these things. Is this really wrong ? :s
ur teacher > u but ill have done the same and i dont think my teacher would give me 19/50 ;)
ur teacher = a whiner
My sentense


Maybe that's why?!
Yes it is wrong.

Wat jij doet is eigenlijk heel letterlijk uit het Nederlands vertalen, je moet het wat grammaticaal correcter maken
Your sentences are just too complicated or gibberish. It's best to say things the easy way. The grammar isn't all that matters..
the teachers sentences were better
why would you ask uk people only... half of the ukers on this website know their english grammar about as well as a 3 y/o from poland

also, what exactly r u trying to accomplish by posting this on here. if say evan would have come on here and told u you were totally right wud u have shown the teacher saying he has to give u an A for ur report? :P
agree master dirk!
cause they are suposed to know their language better.

i would go to the teacher and say that i asked someone from the uk whether its wrong or not, and that he said it wasn't. So i would have asked him how I had to know it was wrong , when someone from the uk didn't even know it was, bla bla lba :)
yeah just like the weatherman is supposed to be able to tell you whether you need to bring an umbrella tomorrow
weathermen are dicks
I doubt it's a 50/50 split, probably in the region of 80/20.
whatever helps u sleep at night :P
80 = the people who have the grammar of a goldfish
20 = people like me
fair enough
i count as uk so that already makes 2/98
me Polish,you strong speak,me enlish kaput !! Pudzianowski win big man.

Seriously man,I must admit,90 % of PL people abroad can't speak shit in english,but they are also above age of 25 so they had been brought up on ruins of communism,far from western culture !!
But younger generation knows at least a bit of english + fluent german (that's and option they give you in school, 2 lang. and it's up to you which you want to have as main subject on exams !! )

Embarassing but it will change during upcoming years !
its nearly right , kind of! i can understand what your trying to write but its like your using an online translator for words you dont know :P and thus looks so out of place, might be better to ask your teacher whats wrong with it he should be able to help you and explain it better than maybe what i could for you to understand if that makes sense!
Quite wrong, yes.
i'm from uk and would of prob done the same so no problem :P
lol! dnt embrs ur self! ur frm sctlnd nt uk!
lol nice way of typing you bellend :O
its the same style of writing you write in txts! i guess you never txt ppl you vaginal blood fart!
vaginal blood fart?

yea gross i know!
yer i do but i don't write txt's like that bad tbh.....

and whats yer fucking problem anyways?
its more of an abbreviation than you can handle u called me a bell end i called u a vaginal blood fart, dont see a problem there!
when I text people I use full grammar and punctuation :(
=D thats cool! i use both! simple to confuse ppl! but i guess it takes that bit longer! especially if u need to type quick in case ur boss or teacher catches you!!
I've never been in a situation where I would need to send off a text instantly or write it quickly.

I usually never have my phone with me though :(
even where the grammar is correct in theory; it sounds crap
well on the second you, double it out? if that sort makes sense.

You explain two things but mix it up, were as hitting them both in one point is what the teacher did.

its correct but you've over done it.
I have the same problem with my English teacher. I'm able to speak English fluently but he doesnt like my style since he wants me to speak 'proper' ( read royal ) English, not American English :<.
haha your teachers suck :D

last year, when we had those English-speaking-exams, they told us we could get an extra high grade if we could talk in any nation's accent, like Scottish, Irish, UK-ish, American, as long as it wasn't on a dutch accent. [dutch] Twengels (twents Engels) [/dutch].
Do Scottish imo.
I tried it, but since it's hard to learn on short notice, I just sticked to American engrish. Got a 8/10 ( B ) for it! yay for me.
no no don't do american engrish it's basically a failed version of engrish ! :O
lol, das echt wel belachelijk da ze u buist
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