AT ZE CLUB (16.2) !!11d

::::DD ok first at all.. i spend 210 € for drinks inside the club + 20 € for ze TAXI :X
..soooo after i ordered couple of drinks to my friends, i was in need of a fresh air so i went outside and suddenly met 3 cute girls image: clubbb :PPPP ..but ye i was already too drunk to even remember their names :XD ...dunno what we had together yesterday :D ..but i actually found a photos on my phone which (probably:D) i made yesterday @ clubbb :p ..

I fuckin enjoyed my birthday was perfect,.. music was amazing and i am not a teenager anymore \o/\o/\o/ ..hf!
a random photo from ze internet... pics are not any kind of proofs nowadays..avi or didn't happen!
proud of you
.avi or it didnt happen
Too much make up and too small tits, but well, glad you had fun! And Happy Birthday!
you don't have to list that much if you call those as "russian hookers" .. isn't it much easier?!
Truu that, but my brain cant come up with such things yet, still dehydrated.
3 naughty girls, buhamuhaha
Hb immoo :)
you scored? :p
HB immoooooo

aborting cannot see target
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