Sensitivity prob

I wanted to try TinyXP since im plagued with FPS Lags so ive installed that and everything is fine except one thing :(
Ive set everything exactly like on my other Win ( Setpoint same version same settings , same Windows Mousesettings , accelfix etc. ) but my sensitivity isnt the same its kinda lower.
Anyone an idea what the problem could be ?

random pic
image: img_114313ae35f29741f1efe8ad44a9bdef
Increase ET sens so much that you feel its correct np
omG stop posting pics of kids ffs -_-
USBrate ?
random pic distracts my thoughts.
id hit her :O
pedophile -_-
Quote: kazzam
"Hello sol,
Could u plz delete all those pics, showing kids (half)-naked.
It's fucking pathetic how they are beeing tolerated by cF.
Can't u just add a rule which forbids to post them.

That's just wrong how people are getting into jail for sth like that and cF is doing nothing about those pics' allocation.

tHx a Lot."

Some are getting banned for posting "xD" but not for stuff like that.
What a fucked up world.
IOW: you're trying to conform to the rules of society that tell you to NOT be interested in minors, and looking at pictures like this makes it harder for you? Stop trying, come out of the closet.
#1 ~ What does IOW mean :P ?
#2 ~ I hate if someone tries to tell me what I think or why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I'm doing everything because I want to do it, that's my conviction and not anyone else's.
Neither do I follow society's rules, because they are as fucked up as possible.
#1 In other words

#2 Just a humorous "psycho-analysis" that could as well be true or false, don't take it serious :D
Who wouldn't O:D
i would trade my computer
I'm pedophile :(
Try upping your windows sens by 1.

See if it feels any different. :P
she wanst it
shes hot

image: ya%20rly
I think I'm in love.
Same. I formatted my pc a few days ago and even with the same drivers and everything its different... sux >:/
fukken saved
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