Most Overrated Bands Ever?

Well there was a journal about Most Underrated Bands Ever? , but now
lets see the top3 Most Overrated Bands Ever!

Ofc here I m talking about the hype etc...

My Top3:


My heart is almost bleeding while i write these sentences. Surely one of my top3 favorite bands, thats why so hard.
Nothing against them, but nowadays its became a style to be different from others, and Radiohead sometimes making
music acceptable by noone (need to admit it). With such a great titles like "Ok Computer" and "The Bends", its hard
to make again decent level albums (for example i dont really like the new album). The hype what they got now is
not deserved, made by MTV and other shits, most of the Radiohead fans dont even know the old albums (I suppose).

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Well they have like 1 thousand songs, and i know them all, but only have 2 what i like: "Otherside" & "Californication".
Its a shame how can they be so fucking popular, simply cannot understand it. Same goes to Coldplay, but they are not in
my top3 this time.


Maybe some fan of them will flame me like hell, but wtf please. Everytime i cross a road i see at least 3 ugly rocker
with Metallica title on their shirt. They have fucking average music, everyone can name better bands in their genre,
but still Metallica is the most hyped. Worlds number 2 secret. Of course the 1st is: "Why foonr listens so much Rilo Kiley?"

Well as you see i tried to be objective so thats why i put Radiohead 1st, despite of they are one of my favorite bands.
Agree or not? Better ideas? Shot here!
Tokio Hotel!!! THEY NEED TO DIE!!!

Sum41 also overrated, blink182 was better
Agree with metallica
Agree after first three ones.
I so fucking agree, although imo metallica should have gold for most overrated :/
Metallica is a talented band but still way too overrated
linkin park!
they just own. rapmetal ftw
Why are you ashamed of A. Hitler?
*cough*under the bridge*cough*

those bands are just part of the music industry, don't even try to overrate them. they rock !
nope, they rock, most overrated imo:
Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath are one of the most innovative and cohesive rock bands of the last fifty years. There are bands I like more, and listen to more, but in terms of raw, grinding, aural ecstasy, it's pretty hard to get close to Sabbath. I don't much care for Ozzy Osbourne, it's the other three guys that made it work.
Did you ever listen to any of their songs?
linkin park. Still the same crap after like 10 years?
well actually i dont know what u and tyyrd mean on it, coz Linkin Park was one of the best Nu-Metal bands, their 1st album simply unforgettable, and they r reinvented the music for the new album. so calling them same style, is a mistake imo.
Weren't KoRn as the best nu-metal band (as they found that style and still keep doing it in the same traditions as before)?
they found the style, thats true, but in my eyes Linkin Park was always better... i simply love more their emotional lyrics.
Glad that's over, and we got DevilDriver, which is like 2^n times better.
korn = ownage compared to lp
You're using the same arguements for them that would make metallica not overrated...
They've existed for over 20 yrs, and were/are a founding band of metal so pls.... They've done way more than Linking Park for music...
founding band of metal is black sabbath.
i said a founding band not founding ;P Cuz idd sabbath actually founded that =]
you are kinda dumb
Most overrated bands are all of those who come up with one mega-uber-super-hit, release average album which is sold more than serveral thousands of copies just because of the one particular song and after month or two the band disappears or get's lost from the "big scene", rather than building their professional musician careers with their own stance, lyrical themes and visuals ...

I could name Blink182, Sum41, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Limp Bizkit, Pink and so many others, which are basically a commercial bullshit and nothing more.

And speaking of Metallica and RHCP, imho they are still very popular because of their past albums, which were really great. Not like the crap they make now (nowdays these bands make music more appealing to younger genereation who know nothing about what is good music or good lyrics)
Blink182 isn't overrated! :D
who's listening avril lavigne, only some stupid emos with their uber teh razor blad3s
np: Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home (LIVE Acoustic) "Under My Skin"
lol limp bizkit is commercial bullshit :DDD dont talk if you dont have a clue listen to this album and try to find the commerciality in it <Three Dollar Bill, Y'All$>
agree@ur bullshitbandlist .. BUT: musicgenres happen to be "en vogue" ... thats why so many bands "disappear" after one popular album .. imo
rofl limp bizkit really owns..
i think u were listening to the commercial songs only..
there are a lot of very nice songs.. especially tracks of the old albums..
nookie/break stuff/counterfeit are nice 2 :)
yea was live at concert in munich and they played counterfeit was amazing and unexpected nice
you've got to be shitting me. you may not like blink182 and listen to black metal or whatever, but you can't deny the impact blink has had on both the pop and underground scenes around the world. today every 2nd metalcore, emo or whatever subgenre punkband will name blink as one of their influences in interviews etc. + all the side projects, new projects, projects they've worked on as producers etc.
I don't want to start flame wars, but long before Blink-182 punk pop genre was discovered, so you I guess your Blinks influenced from artists like Buzzcocks or even The Ramones :)

Also, name atleast ONE interview where someone names Blink-182 as a band from which they've influenced.

And please, metalcore DEFINATELY have nothing to do with Punk Pop.
lol, bands like finch, thrice etc (founders of screamo) cite blink as a major influence (look for guitar worlds or guitarists a few years back). just because you can't hear the pop hook behind all that riffing doesn't mean it's not there. pop punk was there before, yes, but blink polished it up and created a whole new level of basic and simple, yet cleverly produced songwriting + I don't even need to mention travis barker and his awardwinning style. I've played in ska and skatepunk bands and I'm currently in a metalcore band, I organize shows for bands all over europe, so I know what I'm talking about.
You impress me with your knowledge of music Trevize!
ohh where i heard this before? :D
I have no idea!
Parent dont really impress me !

image: wesbo
treivize is EMO
bands... lol...
Stupid? Rhcp are n1ce also metallica
they can still be overrated
rofl... just rofl
fckin' agreed!
never heard their music
ask all those emo's :D
All I know is that tokio hotel should gtfo.
Whatever Trevize has said is correct and I fully support him in it!
Most popular bands are overrated (by critics, by the audience, or both), but nothing comes close to modern artist/products that doesn't write music, can't play any instruments and barely hold a tone.
Radiohead are overrated because they can't make albums as good as The Bends or Ok Computer? Seriously, how the fuck could they make anything better?

You only like two of the RHCP's songs? Under the Bridge? Scar Tissue? By the Way? None of them do anything for you?

Who cares what Metallica fans look like, talk about their music more please. I personally don't think they are overrated. They've never been a main stream band like RHCP. They've had good record sales but they've never won any popularity contests.
Sentence of the week. Totally agree with you about the Radiohead part.
Top3 IMO:
Tokio Hotel
Oot oikeessa vaan tokio hotellista :d
ja kotiteollisuudesta
vois tunnustaa että en oo varmaan kuullut yhtään kotiteollisuuden biisiä
en mäkää kauheesti, mutta silti perseestä :D
np: erb n dub - Dj'erb N dub' 2007 Mix CD
Linkin Park
all bands are ok, before they come to MTV..
fucking true.
one example: billy talent..but there are many many more
it's not a band imo, but you are right with 50cents
G-Unit !!!
They fuckin suck dicks !

Talking bullshit all night long "Eh, I've got money. Eh, I want to fuck her. Eh, look at my car. Eh, I aint got a brain."

I think a big part of his brain flew away as he got hit by the bullets. (50 cent)

They ruined hiphop FFS, I HATE EM !!!
yes mainstream hiphop is overrated
Agree.. besides 0ldsk00l Cypress Hill, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Onyx, and some other not so popular (relative to artists I've just named) rap and hip hop artists, haven't heard anything impressive - all what's now so "SUPER GANGSTA STYLE, YO" now is 50 cent, G-unit, Eminem and basically everything what you see on MTV (as Slaw already said) and what "talks" about 5 bitches, 10 cars, money and everything together. And as they are mostly "OMFG THAT'S SO COOL - I WILL HAVE A 50-CENT TATTOO", they could be easily set as overrated pseudo-artists
Lupe Fiasco ftw!
I don't like this Gangster style as well, but Eminem is one of the most talented American rapper and definitely doesn't fit into the flame against G-Unit. ;)
true. i listen to metal mostly,altho i like listening to local (greek) hiphop my sister listens to. not that i have any clue about the music, but what you say is the first thing that strikes me when i compare it to the crap on mtv
Stink 182
Limp bizshit
Minor threat (Yes, they are overated)
There's a pile more but I can't be bothered to name drop them all

radiohead metallica and rhcp just make amazing music, nothing overrated right there. Ofcourse the old albums of rhcp and metallica are way better then the latest ones, but still, they ment alot in music history (At least in the eyes of millions of fans). Also they already exist for a long time, so ofcourse they have good and bad albums. Overrated bands are the ones who just have 1 or 2 albums, have some #1 hit, and everybody is convinced they rock...while they actually dont cook very interesting stuff at all.

Bands like tokio hotel, linkin park (yes trevize, their first album was "okay", but nothing more then that), and sum41 etc are way more overrated then the 3 you named.
Norway Burzum

It's not artistic, just boring, repetitive and talentless
LOL ?????????
rofl, pls... "talentless" :D
He's a psycho but his music pwnz
agree with the boring part.
Fucking true. I hate this shit, it's just washed out of all possible "power" that metal music has.
lold. It's overrated for the people who don't listen it. Surely, In Rainbows isn't their best album, maybe not even top3, but it's also a good album, comparing to other shit that is going out in this era. Just can't imagine any better band at this and there won't be any rock band close to them for quite sometime. And I 100% agree with Pedro. OK Computer and The Bends are masterpicies. But it's still funny that some people can even compare Radiohead to bands such as RHCP and other overrated and commercial rock bands.
sure RCHP isnt what it just to be at this moment, but their old albums are not really overrated
They r fine and they do have some nice songs but still can't be compared to Radiohead and their things. The funny thing is that Trevize is judging a band by the quality of their last album.
i m judging the hype around them...
and that hype is judged mostly on's just 1 TV channel, nothing else...but they ll deserve hype as long as they are active, because their work is just amazing
by the way thats what i call hype:

Top Tracks, Last Six Months
– 1 Add this track to your playlist 15 Step 159,786
– 2 Add this track to your playlist Bodysnatchers 156,522
– 3 Add this track to your playlist Nude 154,370
– 4 Add this track to your playlist All I Need 150,429
1 5 Add this track to your playlist Faust Arp 146,105
1 6 Add this track to your playlist Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 146,025
– 7 Add this track to your playlist Reckoner 145,238
1 8 Add this track to your playlist Jigsaw Falling Into Place 141,646
1 9 Add this track to your playlist House of Cards 140,864
– 10 Add this track to your playlist Videotape 137,693
– 11 Add this track to your playlist Karma Police 123,736
– 12 Add this track to your playlist Paranoid Android 116,393
– 13 Add this track to your playlist Creep 103,960
– 14 Add this track to your playlist No Surprises 95,167
– 15 Add this track to your playlist Airbag 86,046
– 16 Add this track to your playlist Let Down 80,307
– 17 Add this track to your playlist Lucky 78,727
– 18 Add this track to your playlist Exit Music (for a Film) 78,112
– 19 Add this track to your playlist Fake Plastic Trees 77,824
lol again. it's quite logical that the newest album is being listened the most. but if u dont bother that, what's so hype about it?that people on listen the new album the most...I dont get it, maybe some people like it.
ok, well maybe then the problem is with me, who listen the most the best songs and not the newests.
RHCP sells a lot cause they did good music, now people listen to them. Nothing commercial in it though.
metallica overrated? i m not listening metal or rock that much... but it's still prolly one of the best bands ever.... some random singers / bands has came up coz of one or few megahits or songs.... but about metallica... they have made songs like: Nothing else matters, Enter Sandman, Master of puppets, Fuel, Sad but true, One, Seek & destroy, The unforgiven 1 & 2 and i just named only couple of their songs... Usually there is some megahits which songs you play many times in a day in a week/ month like Britney Spears (poped up first)... Then you just forget those... Metallica lives 4ever... and just a random opinion.... i m listening usually only hip hop / rap... but Metallica still rox...Haven't ever seen a band who can make such many top hits...

so gtfo with your "Metallica is overrated" opinion....

and i can't say which one is overrated and which one is not... but alteast Metallica rox

Seek and Destroy is ownage. I was in a metal cover band in High School (omg), and we used to play that song.
True, Metallica has made so many great songs/albums.
If you wanna pick overrated bands, just look at all the newschool crap. I haven't bought an album in ages, cause most newschool bands can't even make one good album. And even if one album is almost decent, the second one is either exactly the same as the first or fails entirely.
Old Metallica rules. I just can´t understand that those fuckers were younger than I am now and yet they did something so awesome that I can never ever do anything like that. Respect.

Np: Metallica - One
what do you think about this
not bad. Like Metallica's version better tho ;D Awesome song
they ruined sanitarium :(
I don't think you know what overrated means

Metallica overrated? I guess you never listened to the old albums then and compared it to their time
i know all songs of them, or at least 1-2 times listened, my little brothers favorite.
I think you're confusing overrated bands with bands that are really big and liked by many ppl but not by you.
Still Metallica and RHCP are somewhat overrated, yet not nearly as much as so called "contemporary" bands like LP for example (disregarding the fact they make pretty decent music).
its like saying perfo is overrated, fuckin' impossible
CRANK THAT! no way !
You are so so wrong about radiohead, infact what you write is almost completely backward from my views. I have to go out but I'll write later if i remember
Radiohead is overrated by critics only I think, cause they make different kind of music and critics love that.

RHCP, great band and if those are only songs you like, I doubt the objective line of your journal. And what I've heard they're absolutely great live.

Metallica, they've done a lot but are still hyped too much.

To name couple of artists: Rihanna, MTV Rap & R&B (although they kinda sound the same in MTV), and let's say My Chemical Romance, Dimmu Borgir, and the emo band which had monkeys on their video what is it?
And Pedro disagree with the bends and okcomputer being their masterpieces, have you properly listened to Kid A? Ok Computer was just the right album at the right time, but where theyve progressed since is so much musically stronger
I never said either album was a masterpiece, I think you're quoting someone else on that one. He's just clearly narrow-minded by saying Radiohead are overrated because their lasted album isn't as good as either of the two albums mentioned.

I based my reply on the examples he gave. I never said what my favorite Radiohead album was. ;)

Also, use the reply button, you lazy cock-ring!
u r generalizing to much just because u dont like that bands?!
well u r the 5th ppl who says it, maybe u r right, but i just wrote my oppinion. i have the right to do it. even if my oppinion sux.
agree with RHCP as band, but flea and chad are pretty nice duo
green day
linkin park
and another 3000 bands
Nope, Slayer isn't an option.
just hate them tbh :)
United KingdomDragonforce
United States of AmericaCannibal Corpse
NorwayDimmu Borgir
United States of AmericaMachine Head
PolandFear Factory
BrazilSoulfly (fuck Cavalera)
fuck you, cavallera is awesome :D
=D he had to get married the asshole :D
Fear Factory aren't polish tbh!
They're one of the best industrial metal bands ever, especially "Demanufacture" is fucking awesome tbh.
he means the ET team smartass
dragonforce >*
agreed @ most but not dimmu 8[
OPETH OVERRATED?! WTF (agree with the rest though)
Machine Head? Fuck off :D
its smth personal, i really hate the "pantera wnb" types, not that they are bad, btw i loved the blackening, but to put them as followers of pantera, ngr pls
I don't think are trying to be Pantera, since no one else can. Also, they've been long enough around to stand on their own.
I have to say, I fucking hate the Beatles.

As for overrated bands who are still performing, I'd say Green Day. I bought "Dookie" when I was like twelve years old, on cassette, and it was good fun at the time. They've been writing the same song, with the same snot-nosed vocal delivery in the ten years since. Plenty of style, very little substance.
I lol'd @ beatles :D
for me the most overrated are all those niggas rappin around with chains on their necks :P
the new album of the peppers isn't bad.. for example snow i like alot

coldplay isn't overrated lol..
a plague on your house for putting radiohead in that list !!!
After looking at your list there are tons of bands you listen to who are way more overrated then the 3 you named.

For example: linkin park, billy talent, hoobastank, sum41, fall out boy, the rasmus, papa roach

Some of them make decent music, but it isnt that special at all. You cant really say these bands (who are also very known) deserve to be famous and loved for their music, while you call bands like radiohead overrated
It's a useless discussion, cuz i don't think he'll change his mind.
Fact is all the bands mentioned as overrated have ment a lot in their respective genre's and have made innovative music. The bands mentioned on his list have innovated very little.
why i should change my mind? its my oppinion omg, why ppl talking about i know shit about music etc... awesome community.
well arn't you doing the same? Stating these band are overrated and stating some metallica fan will flame you. And stating they make average music... Maybe these bands are overrated, yet even if they're overrated, they're still some of the greatest bands that ever existed...
ok, then i say that:

i dont care about the flame, not that what i wanted to know
the journal asking your top 3 most ... bands.

all those ppl who started to flame me coz the bands i stated, are wrong about the aim of this journal. yes, my english sucks.
It's his opinion.
Everyone got his own, and he asked for everyone's opinion.
If u don't care about his opinion » /ignore

What's the matter ?
does people really know the rasmus in some other place than in Finland :D
they are very known in germany
Oh dear.
What's wrong with the Germans
Your sentence doesn't make any sense.
you're funny, I'm tired
you're bitter, I'm tired
well is not the best to see my fav music, coz only registered lately...and i listen more @ mp3 player while out, and for example bands like Adema/Chevelle i listened the most @ old time... i call radiohead overrated coz i feel now fucking hyped, while as Frozzen called, when they made their masterpieces, they were not as famous as they became with the last 2 album... getting now thousand of fans who dont even know why radiohead should be the n1 band all the time is annoy me. its all.
overrating is calling something very good while it isnt. Radiohead just gains alot of new "fans" who like their new album, and ofcourse start listening to their old ones too now they know them. Radiohead is a good band with good albums, so in what way are they getting overrated? They just spent more money on media these days, which they couldnt do in the past. (also think about the massive popularity of internet, they are the first band who sold their new album in mp3, you could make up your own price you where willing to pay for the album).
i mean over/underrated about the music they do, and the hype they got. no offense about them. its only comparing they deserve that popularity they have or not.
the rasmus, good point, I forgot about this crap
At least u didn't put Metallica on #1, not that they should be on #3, but ok.. :p
you cant be seriious. you dont even have a clue what radiohead, RHCP and metallica did for music. Let me guess, you are some punkemo or r&b kid
did for music
we are in the same age, but one of us cant tolerate others oppinion. guess who is that guy?
i can tolerate any kind of music, but you cant really call that mtv r&b and emosh*t music. You are calling those bands overrated, get your facts straight, read some stuff on the inet. Dont talk bs
I know, I know.
Metallica destroyed music, Lars is a complete cunt and Kirk Hammett should have stayed with Exodus? 8-)
It's all true :<
Kirk was better in Exodus than shitallica, anything post black album sucks, Lars is a grade A cunt who can't drum for shit (or at least lacks style with his same fills and beats) and the whole piracy thing is a yawnfest.
Glad he didn't stay with Exodus.
but are you sure that my sentence isn't correct?

EDIT: damnit and my slow reply skills
U2 > these wnb
ye, very good example, forgot about them
what about rolling stones
Rolling Stones is fucking win.
Achtung Baby! for the win!
queen :///
i LOLLED at this, so how many instruments did you touch other than your plastic recorder?
agree with this man
oh plz

i hate queen's music but suppose theyre good... half of the world is still putting their head up that leather-wearing weirdo's ass, thats VERY overrated
except they're great
Aren't you bit stupid for making such comments? Shows that you don't know music at all.
No i'm not.

not even a true fan, but I respect what they've done.
his old albums rock
Id like to agree with you about RHCP being overrated but I hate being wrong.. :(

Most underrated bands:[/b]
1 : Nirvana
2 : AC/DC
3 : Deep Purple
+ : Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down

Most overrated bands:[/b]
1 : Tokio Hotel
2 : Rammstein
3 : Sum 41
add ratm to most underrated
rage against the machine? noway :P
Agreed! Gonna see them live this year though! :D
nirvana, underrated, they are not underrated nor overrated.
there are many other bands that deserve to be called underrated (dEUS, hooverphonic....), same goes up for ac/dc.
nickelback and ac/dc are way toooooooo overrated
RHCP, Radiohead and Coldplay are some of my favorites and i listen to tons of different artists and genres^^
i dont like metallica but i wouldnt say its top3 overrated either not even close, Linkin Park Limp Bizkit and the likes would make my list
Most underrated bands:
1. deep purple
2. dream theater
3. iron maiden

Most overrated bands:
1. linkin park
2. tokio hotel
3. system of a down
Iron maiden underrated? =O explain plzzz.
The Founder of the New Wave of Britisch Heavy Metal underrated? nothx
agree @ deep purple
agree @ dream theater
switch AC/DC and sum 41 plz
bloodhound gang
Tokio Hotel
Scooter is overrated, since they just steal melodies, give them some trance-sound and bexxxter screams "SCOOTER; ARE YOU READY". But I like them =)
overated=tokio hotel

image: rock
saying bands like metallica and radiohead are overrated is partly true, and partly isn't. they both made some brilliant albums when they were less famous, and now they are famous it's hard to meet expectations and keep everybody happy. their newer stuff isn't as good as the old stuff, but that doesn't mean the band got less good over time
bit of a paradox to say that a band made brilliant music and then call them overrated...
Radiohead or what is it cant be overrated because i dont know them :O

underrated: Britney Spears
Her lil sister is hot.
her smile is the ugliest I've ever seen
Girl you got nothing on her...
Finland Children of Bodom
Sweden In Flames (zomg teh new albums)
United States of America Trivium
Tokio Hotel and the other emo shit, too overrated. :\

1. My Chemical Romance
2. Metallica
3. Spree's Dad
metallica is overrated, but their old songs are good :o
my personal top3

1. Iron maiden
2. Iron maiden
3. Iron maiden
u dont got a clue tbh. albums like kid a and anmesiac are better then the bends and ok computer. but less mainsteam
tokio hotel - does anyone over 15 listen to this?
my chemical romance - annoying

and i lol'd about soad and metallica being overrated

and I'd add linkin park to overrated
30 seconds to mars
tokio hotel
my chemical romance

emo hair + shit whiny music + tight pants = crap
i dont really like MCR, but the song called "Teenagers" is so fucking fucking great :D
*looks it up on youtube*

great example of a crappy & overrated song ;D
Wannabe heavy metal/goth tbh
have you heard their first album? :P
I meant Emos
my friend downloaded their first album...and before they went emo...they were metal XD
Shame they turned shit then
I agree with Metallica, but the rest gets a big DISAGREE from me!

well Radiohead... maybe a little bit overrated, tbh I thik their music is a little boring and not too innovative. But RHCP is fucking amazing! Their style (funk + rock + rap + ?) is very innovative imo (has not been there before). Their music changed a lot in the last centuries, and I still like all of their styles. there are maybe 1 or 2 songs from the first albums I don't really like, but the rest is just great. :<

some of the most overrated bands IMO: Linkin Park, tokio Hotel (lol), Iron Maiden, Metallica,...
everyone saying, but i dont feel tokio hotel overrated...
i mean for example at they are not overrated.

edit: before u think i like them, not, they are shit.
in Germany they are definately :<
well, I don't think anyone over the age of 16 listens to them, but still, how could they get all those awards and stuff..
it indeediously is annoying me to see radiohead @ nr 1 most played in just about every group on last fm!

so these bands i strongly dislike:
deep purple
iron maiden
pink floyd
why is metallica overrated?

whats wrong :s
subjective crap.
you could do the same with "what are your 3 favourite bands and 3 most hated"
subjective crap.
subjective crap.
I love the peppers. They indeed have a lot of songs, but more than half of them are amazing
While they've made some good songs, they've also made one of the worst sounding albums in the history of man: Californication.
Arguing about this is a little bit meaningless :) I just like their music.
I'm not talking about the music itself, but rather the sound quality of the release.
I'm not so skilled to hear the difference mate :P
Check this out. You can even hear the difference with laptop speakers.
Your list needs more Muse.
biggest bullshit journal ever, there is no "bad music" either you like it, or you don't.
true words.
its about overrating something. but thx for the info!
Any dance/techno dj


Pete Doherty
Iron Maiden is deffinately over-rated... all their songs are pretty much the same lol.
Muse is over-rated too.
Ever seen Muse live?
Yes, their Live performance is awesome. However their songs are over-rated.
Dno about over rated but Most under rated band has to be a band called HeD PE.

What bout coldplay they are WELL Over rated imho
i agree with your top three!
FULLY AGREE! (though i rly like metallica)

ha lol, i dont like the same music as you and still we have this in common, has to mean something :D

And to ppl that are saying :ITS A MATTER OF TASTE! Hell no its not! I like all three of those bands, but i still think that they are overrated and that just too many ppl who know shit about music idolize these bands.
How about most underrated bands? Death Angel is one of them.
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