Post your settings !!

Picmip ?
Fov ?
Sens in game ?
Sens in Windows ?
Mouse ?
Mousware installed ?
Mousepad ?
Drawgun ?
Resolution ?
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.?

Dpi > 400
picmip > 1
Fov > 100 no toggle script
Sens in game > 3.0
Sens in Windows > 6/11
Mouse > logitech m510
Mouseware installed > No
Mousepad > table ;)
Drawgun > 1
Resolution > r_mode 4
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? > 20 cm
to much to type

(lets get banned for making stupid chains) :x

eDit: Fi*rrr*st
Dpi > 400
picmip > 1
Fov > 110
Sens in game > 3.89
Sens in Windows > 7/11
Mouse > logitech m518
Mouseware installed > yes
Mousepad > QcK+ Steel
Drawgun > 1
Resolution > dnno lol
Dpi > 600
picmip > 3
Fov > 102
Sens in game > 1.10
Sens in Windows > highest possible
Mouse > logitech g7
Mouseware installed > yes
Mousepad > desk
Drawgun > 0
Resolution > r_mode 6
360° > 16 cm
Sens in Windows > highest possible

lol'd, go draw in paint and watch the amazing pixelperfect movement (NOT)
What do u mean?
highest windows sens = mouse moves 2 pixels at a time, go draw in paint with default win sens and max win sens.
Slap me silly and call me stupid, I don't see a difference.

Tell me what should I see different? What is the effect in game ?
I dont see a difference either!

image: img_b76388c21e00d26ab04c3adda3d6ce7a
image: sensjh0

What's the difference ingame?
You use a wireless mouse, which use software smoothing (66hz ftw!)

Its shit mouse in general (dont give me the 'I play perfect with it' crap) Slow respons times, software smoothing, etc.
DPI - 400
picmip - 3
fov - 90
sens in game - 4.5
sens in windows - 6/11
mouse - microsoft ime 3.0 (old version)
mousepad - random plastic
drawgun - 0
resolution - 800x600
cm for 360 - 25
DPI > 400
Picmip > 3
Fov > 90
Sens in game > 1.35
Sens in Windows > 10
Mouse > Razer diamonbback
Mousware installed > Yes
Mousepad > Razer mantis speed
Drawgun > Yes
Resolution r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg > dno
Dpi > 400
picmip > 0
Fov > 105
Sens in game > 3.1
Sens in Windows > default
Mouse > logitech m518
Mouseware installed > No
Mousepad > QcK Heavy
Drawgun > 1 + gun_frame and dynamiclight toggle
Resolution > r_mode 8
Drawgun > 1 + gun_frame and dynamiclight toggle

<3 :D
I forgot the name of the guy I got it from but seems like it was you! :]
could you post it plz? the toggles? i use a b-tracers toggle for shooting o:
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr valo1 valo2"

set valo1 "+attack; r_dynamiclight 0; cg_gun_frame 1;b_tracers 0"
set valo2 "-attack; r_dynamiclight 1; cg_gun_frame 0;b_tracers 2"

Have fun with it, credit goes to slarto.
ty vm <3

EDiT: so you play with gun_frame 1?
Looks like it! :]
ja k had het nog nooit geprobeerd en k hoorde er mensen over maar die gebruikte dan vaak 17 ofzo :p
k zie nu wrm 1 genoeg is, niet die irritante beweeg aan de zijkant etc :p
DPI > 2000
picmip > 1
Fov > 102.3
Sens in game > 2.56
Sens in windows > standard
Mouse > Logitech G7
Mousepad > QPAD CT Collectors Edition CoD4:MW print
drawgun > 0
resolution > r_mode 8
360 = ~ 4 cm (bit less)
Holy shit, you are a sick man with that sens =D

You can´t get out of the spawn with that if you are hungovered.
I don't drink so thats just in favour of my sensitivity :D
I like it actually, after I took a break from ET I moved onto CoD4 and highsens = skill @ CoD4.. lowsens wont help you.

And once you are used to high sens you take these, though, my CoD4 sens would be 360 on 3.5 cm
there isnt any gain to use that high sens in ET and I think that with that sens you will skip some pixels :p
Dpi _ 400
picmip _ 3
Fov _90
Sens in game _1.4
Sens in Windows _ 6/11
Mouse _ logitech m518
Mouseware installed _ yes
Mousepad _ steelpad
Drawgun _ 0
Resolution _ r_mode 6
cm for 360_58cm o.O
dpi - 800
fov - 90
sens in game - 2
sens in win - 7/11
mouse - mx518
mouseware installed - yes
mousepad - improvised :D
drawgun - 0
resolution - 1024/1280 (r_mode 8)
DPI 500
Picmip 1
Fov 112
Sens in game 1.41
Sens in Windows 6
Mouse MX518
Mousware installed Nein
Mousepad Steelpad QcK+
Drawgun 1
Resolution r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg About 5
DPI = 800
Picmip = 3
Fov = 90
Sens in game = 0.8
Sens in windows default (6/11)
Mouse = random mouse genius
Mousepad = Razer exactmat (control side)
Mouseware installed = no
Drawgun = 1
Resolution = r_mode 6
360 = 57 cm
DPI ? 1800
Picmip ? 1
Fov ? 112 - 90
Sens in game ? 1
Sens in Windows ? deathadder driver
Mouse ? deathadder driver
Mousware installed ? yes
Mousepad ? s&s steelpad
Drawgun ? 0
Resolution ? r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? my mousepad for 210 degrees
Dpi > 2000
picmip > 3
Fov > 111
Sens in game > 0.89
Sens in Windows > highest possible
Mouse > Razer Copperhead
Mouseware installed > yes
Mousepad > mtw gamepad
Drawgun > 1
Resolution > r_mode 6
DPI > 400
Picmip > 1
Fov 100
Sens in game > 2
Sens in Windows > 6th notch
Mouse > MX518
Mousware installed > no
Mousepad > Steelpad QcK+
Drawgun > 0
Resolution > r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg > don't know =(
Resolution: 640x480
Ingame sensitivity: 4 (-noforcemparms -noforcemaccel )
Windows sensitivity: 3/11
Monitor refresh rate: 85Hz
Digital vibrance: None
Desktop gamma: default
Ingame gamma: 3.0
Ingame brightness: 2.0
Vsync: Off
Crosshair size: Small
Crosshair color: Green
Crosshair translucent: 0
Dynamic crosshair: 0
Mouse Drivers: None
DPI: 400
Picmip: 0
Fov: 100/90
Sens in game: 2.75
Sens in Windows: 6 (middle)
Mouse: IME 3.0
Mousware installed: WTF is Mouseware?
Mousepad: Everglide Titan MonsterMat
Drawgun: No gun, more fun
Resolution: 1280x1024
360°: Dunno, about 35cm?
Accel: Off - Accelfix
Hz: 120
FPS: 125
Ping: 48 or 999
Acc: 31-53%
Listening to: In Flames - Lunar Strain
Watching: Tropa de Elite
Eating: Rice + vegs
Drinking: Water/Coffee
Wanked: 1 hour ago

Help I'm bored :l
best In Flames song
is the quiet place, cloud connected & reroute to remain are also nice.
Cloud connected isn't bad, but I like their old style better
DPI > 1600
Picmip > 3
Fov > 110
Sens in game > 0.72
Sens in Windows > 5
Mouse > Razor Diamondback
Mousware installed > no wtf?
Mousepad > speedlink speedpad
Drawgun > 1!
Resolution > mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. > dunno
DPI ? 450
Picmip ? 3
Fov ? 110
Sens in game ? 2.5
Sens in Windows ? 7
Mouse ? DA
Mousware installed ? ye
Mousepad ? qck+
Drawgun ? 0
Resolution ? 8
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? 20
I have no idea :/
Dpi > 800
picmip > 0
Fps > 125
Monitor > 75hz
Fov > 100
Sens in game > 1.5
Sens in Windows > Default
Mouse > Copperhead
Mouseware installed > yes
Mousepad > Razer Mantis Control
Drawgun > 1
Resolution > r_mode 8
360° > 35 cm
DPI 800
Picmip 3
Fov 105
Sens in game 1.76
Sens in Windows dunno
Mouse Razer Copperhead
Mousware installed yes
Mousepad Steelpad qck+
Drawgun 0
Resolution r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. 18
Dpi 400
picmip 3
Fov 90
Sens in game 1
Sens in Windows 6/11
Mouse Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
Mouseware installed NOT
Mousepad QPAD CT large <3
Drawgun 1 and gun_frame 6
Resolution r_mode 3
360° = 140cm I think
dpi 400
picmip 1
fov 105
sens 1.7
sens in windows 6/11
installed ; yes
no mousepad ;<
drawgun 0
r_mode -1
360° 45-55 dnoz
You prolly expect some big names appearing here with their settings.that won't happen :D
was just gonna say: "we need mAus" .. but, not gonna happen >:/
but we should post some settings to stay under cover ! they might come and read ! ..
i had david, maus AND perfo!!! posting in my journal! oh em gee
link link link ! ! ! oem g.e
check my profile

Wondering + OH EM GEE
dpi » 400
picmip » 3
fov » 110
sens in-game » 2.xx
sens in windows » 6/11?
mouse » Logitech G5
mouseware installed » yes i guess
mousepad » razer mantis speed
drawgun » 0
resolution » r_mode 8 = 1280x1024
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. » dunno xd
DPI ? Default
Picmip ? 3
Fov ? 105
Sens in game ? 1.something
Sens in Windows ? I don't use Windows
Mouse ? Razer Diamondback
Mousware installed ? Default
Mousepad ? Regular with Tux on it
Drawgun ? 1
Resolution ? r_mode 4 or 8
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? 22cm
DPI ? 400
Picmip ? 3
Fov ? 90
Sens in game ? 3.33
Sens in Windows ? 7/11
Mouse ? MX518
Mousware installed ? Default
Mousepad ? Qpad CT Large Black
Drawgun ? 0
Resolution ? r_mode 4
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? ~10cm
DPI = 1800
Picmip = 1/3
Fov = 105/90
Sens in game = 0.788
Sens in Windows 5/10
Mouse = Razer Deathadder
Mousware installed = yarr
Mousepad = Razer Mantis Control
Drawgun = No gun, No fun.
Resolution = r_mode 8
360 = 38cm or smth
DPI 800
Picmip 3
Fov 90
Sens in game 1.5
Sens in Windows default
Mouse Logitech G3
Mousware installed No
Mousepad QcK heavy
Drawgun 1
Resolution r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg 32cm
DPI 400
Picmip 1
Fov 100
Sens in game 1.6
Sens in Windows default
+ MouseThresholds @ 0

Mouse mx518 @ 500 hz usb
Mousware installed ofc not
Mousepad speedlink something its huge
Drawgun 1
Resolution 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360? too
much to try
and your displayrefresh effects your sens alot. 120 4 me
Dpi: 450
picmip : 1
Fov : 105
Sens in game : 3.0
Sens in Windows : 6/11
Mouse > Razer Deathadder
Mouseware installed : Yes, Driver Ver: 1.08 Firmware Ver: 1.25
Mousepad : Qpad CT
Drawgun : 1
Resolution : r_mode 4
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? : 40 cm
DPI: 450
picmip: 3
fov: 105/90
sens in game: 4
sens in windows: 6/11
Mouse: Razer Deathadder
Mouseware installed: Yes
Mousepad: Everglide Titan DKT
DrawGun: 0/1
Resolution: r_mode 8
i need smth like 32 cm
DPI 1050
Picmip 0
Fov 104
Sens in game 1.75
Sens in Windows 6
Mouse mx518
Mousware installed setpoint
Mousepad qpad ct
Drawgun 0
Resolution 6
360 34cm
lol i played with almost the same settings for a looong time :)
only difference would be mousepad and dpi :D
DPI - 400
Picmip - 0
Fov - 90
Sens in game - 1.7
Sens in Windows - 6
Mouse - Copperhead
Mousware installed - yes
Mousepad - razer mantis
Drawgun - 1
Resolution - 6
Dunno.. ~180 deg 40cm = lowsensnoob<3
Dpi > what?
picmip > 1
Fov > 90
Sens in game > 0.71
Sens in Windows > 6/11
Mouse > fujitsu siemens standart
Mouseware installed > WHAT?
Mousepad > a4 paper
Drawgun > 0
Resolution > 4

dunno. alot cant do even 180 with 30cm
DPI 400
Picmip 3
Fov 100
Sens in game 2
Sens in Windows normal
Mouse mx518
Mousware installed yes
Mousepad qpadCT
Drawgun 1 (cg gun frame 7)
Resolution 4
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. - arount 40 cm
DPI 400
Picmip 0
Fov 105 normal, long range 90 [toggle]
Sens in game 2.1, long range 1.627717618 [toggle]
Sens in Windows +1
Mouse G5
Mousware installed Setpoint
Mousepad Corepad C1 Medium
Drawgun 1
Resolution 1440 x 900
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. dunn0
What do you do with this kind of information?
DPI ? 800
Picmip ? 1
Fov ? 110
Sens in game ? 1.9
Sens in Windows ? 6
Mouse ? g5/diamondback
Mousware installed ? yep
Mousepad ? dest for g5 / homemade glasspad
Drawgun ? 1
Resolution ? r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg.? atleast 50
DPI : 800
Picmip : 3
fov : 100
sens : about 340° over 30cm
r_mode : 6
drawgun : 0
mouse : mx518 (DA died, was a better mouse imo)
mousepad : everglide titan
DPI : 400
Picmip : 3
Fov : 90
Sens in game : 2
Sens in Windows : 6/11
Mouse : IME 3.0
Mousware installed : No
Mousepad : Qck+
Drawgun : Off
Resolution : r_mode 6
How many cm do you need to turn a full circle of 360 deg. : ~30
DPI: 400
Mouse hz: 500
Picmip: 3
fov: 90
sensitivity: 0.6
windows sensitivity: 6/11
r_mode: 4
drawgun: 1
mouse: MX518
mousepad: Qpad|CT Large
How many cm do you need to turn 360 deg: ~35
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