violent Videogames...

violent videogames lead to bad notes at school!

german article:

official research of "criminologic research institute" of Prof. Dr. Christian Pfeiffer!
his arguments (short version):
- children of "stupid" families do have more often TV´s and consoles in their living rooms
- if the parents are not that "intelligent", children might have violent games for their consoles
- if a videogame is very cruel, it increases the chance to recieve bad notes at school
- children that played PingPong were more concentrated in maths than children who played ego-shooters right before (oh wonder^^)

i can only agree, my brother has extremely bad notes since he is playin´ CS instead of Pokemon online! xD
Who gives a f*ck? (@researchers)
its true. but who cares o_O
Its also shown in a research that playing FPS games actually makes you less aggresive because people release their anger in games etc. I think this area is still too different and new to say precise what kind of effect it can have.
ill agree with that!! cause it does for me. getting a nice killing spree :)
True, i didnt play et for 2 months and had gotten myself 7 handguns and was ready to start killing
retarded arguments
nice arguments, really! :D
In that case I suppose I have trouble with sleeping because I don't foil my toiletpaper
There's no such thing as a violent videogame. Or when was the last time you got robbed and beat up by a videogame?
Oh, and causality and correlation are not synonymous.
jaaaa, shame on me for my bad english :P
i was more worried about "criminologic research institute" ;)

and replying to urself is sooo uber xD
Oh, I thought you copied it from the article. :P
Usually it's RTL and CSU politicians talking about "violent videogames".
"Wir können deswegen nicht akzeptieren, dass beispielsweise das Spiel „World of Warcraft“ weiterhin ab 12 Jahre frei gegeben bleibt, obwohl inzwischen klar ist, dass 15-jährige Spieler mit diesem Spiel im Durchschnitt pro Tag 4 ½ Stunden verbringen und viele von ihnen in suchtartiges Spielen geraten."

jo, und in Köln wurden am Faschingsdienstag 17jährige nach Alkohol und Zigaretten kontrolliert!

ohne videospiele würde die jugend ja nur noch kiffen und saufen^^
true, but this is liek old news?
not true :-s
- children of "stupid" families do have more often TV´s and consoles in their living rooms
- if the parents are not that "intelligent", children might have violent games for their consoles
- if a videogame is very cruel, it increases the chance to recieve bad notes at school

So basically it's 'stupid parents' -> 'stupid kids', not 'videogames' -> 'stupid kids'. Games and dumbness correlate (according to a research I did as a school work, people who play 2h/day have the highest grades!), but dumbness of parents causes the dumbness of children, surprise surprise.
it´s my bad translation, the article rly says, that "intelligent" children become stupid ones by playin too much games with violence in it!
Oh! I don't think that has much to do with the violent contect, unless brutal games are more exciting -> played more -> more time spent not doing anything clever.
yermans are always whining bout computer games!

postal 2 is a good example though
- children that played PingPong were more concentrated in maths than children who played ego-shooters right before (oh wonder^^)

lold hard xDDDDDDDDDD
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