not a bust.


I know everyone knows it but still im going to post some NOT PROOF but weird things about Aapke-Trix-Circus.

yesterday we played a 3on3 official vs Aapke connected under the name of inv.Owner. Then I asked them why do they still continue to play with a cheater. They said Aapke aint circus. Well OK.
Today we started a 2on2 offi vs viSual, the team where circus plays. Funny thing was, 1 min before readying up Aapke switched to bouncer and WOW, inv.Owner connected to server changing the tag to v.Circus. STRANGE? :DDDDDD
They still denied it, saying circus merced for invictus the day before. Anyway, right after the match inv.Aapke came online in irc, COINCIDENCE? :DDDDDDDDd

So I just advise you NOT to play vs them, eventhough they suck.
OLD forum posts suck.

(20:17:21) (CLAIMAXz) why did you come online right after the match? :D
(20:17:56) (inv`aapke) what match?
(20:18:00) (CLAIMAXz) :DDDDDD
(20:18:05) (inv`aapke) i'm online since 18:00
(20:18:36) (inv`aapke) I need to pub till 20:00
(20:18:48) (inv`aapke) all other members playing with other clans
(20:18:50) (inv`aapke) 3v3 :(
serious business
Not of my interest.
And this shit just ain't none of my business.
Everyone knows that aapke = trix/circus = nc customer tbh.
They play with him cos they are cheating as well (hi2aristo etc)
bulld0g ffs , BAN THOSE TARDS
he cant probably
2long2read make a summary plz
why dont they just ban them, almost everyone knows they are hacking

like anyone will complain about them getting banned
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