City Link ( for those who know this parcel delivery cmpn.)

O m G . Last wednesday,I ordered senhaisa 161 spanking new (
I paid 8 quid for ''next day delivery''. Thursday....silence,friday as well.So I phoned them up and they said that there is no mail box (there is only thingy with numbers to call each flat) so I said ''OK ,when he comes on monday (courier) tell him to call my mobile when is down there,i will come down and pikc kit up'' Lady agreed .

Monday ....silence.Tuesday 1h ago i phoned them up and I said (i lost my temper)
''wtf is it so hard to push button no 8 '' .Anyway that was 3rd attempt so now
they can't send it to me again,first they have to charge ebuyer for delivery,so they asked
via email,which means that i have to wait for an answer .
Or I can go to pick it up in FAREHAM which is like 15-20 miles from my place,
and the only way to get there is fucking train and it dosen't stop where i want to,i will prolly have to walk god knows how long.
I almost have gone there !!!! but i did a nightshift so im too fucked to do some roadtrips.

The drivers must be f.... lazy or stupid if they can't press BUTTON :((((

plz tell me that anyone of you had same or similar adventures ; /

sorry if smth is confusing but i wrote that straight from my heead
All couriers suck unfortunately
plz tell me that either money or senhaisas will be given to me at the end of this drama : ( or am I in dead spot ?

Im foreinger so things are new for me here (seems that my adventure is pretty common and i should just wait patiently)....
Especially UPS
lol, you should live in Germany, they deliver something without even ringing the bell and leave a note in your mailbox to say you have to pick it up yourself 20kms away!

I feel for ya....theres nothing more annoying..
that cheered me up xD
its not that bad :P
My friend didn't get his next day delivery stuff from ebuyer either, had his money back in the end.
Out of 50+ items with citylink I've had about 8 problems, which isn't too bad :C
the thing is that I really want them :( At the moment they are only available at web,they are there in depot,but i can't go today :(
i also know that if this problem (with communicator thingy) has happened it will happen again.

aaaa :(
yea...w8...they will come :-s
do what i do when something like this every day...or 2-3 time a they will wont forget after :)
i will !!!! :P
i bought a mx518, it was supposed to be delivered to my door, but the mailman called and said he will be dropping it off at the postcentre, cause he had some problems with time or something, it's unacceptable but i'm a nice guy so I said ok, i'll pick it up myself.

ofcourse he dropped it off to the farthest postcentre from my house and I got the paper to go pick it up in a week after he called me and said he's gonna drop it off, so he fucked something up. As soon as I got the paper saying go pick it up @ the postcentre I went, if i woulda went 10 min later the package would of been sent back, they said it had been sitting there for a week and I was lucky to come now and didn't comment on me getting the paper to pick it up so late -_-
Ordered some moped parts from holland ( in the end of summer, soo,, like 80% of parts came in first month, and rest 20% haven't shown up. Well, I send an email whit complain, they didn't answer, I sent another 1, to that email they did answer, and said that they're looking for what they can do. Then I waited for few weeks, nothing.. I send 3rd email, and they said that those parts are already sent :s Nice service, have been waited for like 6 months now.
Thank god those aren't my parts which is missing..

btw, nice ingresh from me :X
worst scenario so far !
:D I didn't lose anything, but 3 of my friends did.
but mate,bear in mind that i paid extra for next day delivery :)
that's it !!!!! rrrrrrrrr
City Link are bloody aweful
: / if i had known ....i wouldn't have gone for it
Never had a problem with them...
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