Summer holidays
19 Feb 2008, 13:50
just had a question if anyone of you has been to sunny beach/bulgaria yet?
If so, how did u travel there and how much money did you spend about in the whole week + travel prices?
furthermore you could give me some advice about good hotels etc
appreciate any help and infos =)
just had a question if anyone of you has been to sunny beach/bulgaria yet?
If so, how did u travel there and how much money did you spend about in the whole week + travel prices?
furthermore you could give me some advice about good hotels etc
appreciate any help and infos =)
btw something wrong with the pic in your profile at least for me
have a nice day
I have been to Romania , Italy , Germany , Spain , France , Poland etc.
And i liked Romania the most , so GTFO with your shitty attidude
soll absolute geil sein und au sau billig und er is hingeflogen
ibiza all!
without hotel, flight :s
im p00r now
da gibt es doch mehr € :P
praktikum von der berufsschule organisiert, gruppe von 13 leuten ist hier rueber gefahren
die arbeit ist aber sehr nice, arbeite max. 6 stunden
diese woche montag 4, dienstag 5,5 und gestern frei
und montag zuhause wieder um 6 aufstehen gg :X
go to glasgow, more chance of getting stabbed tho , gl
We stayed in a random cheap hotel, and it was a mistake food was shit + ther were bugs- climbed up from the wall and got in from window.
Althought ther was Hilton hotel and many many other nice looking ones.
Lots of fighting, u better be in shape if u plan to travell down there, stayed ad Bloody Beach aka Sunny beach, only got in a fight once so np!
But overall ncie =)
breakfast and dinner included for 7 days
great bars/discos: bounce / lazur
Party = Good just watch out for the "maffia" Some Swedish guys got robbed and one got a gun pointed to his head. Be care!
Hope it helped a bit.