Unrated Profession - an ETQW movie trailer

I know all Crossfire members love ETQW, so I am looking forward to lots of positive comments about the trailer to my new ETQW movie, Unrated Profession. If you for some reason don't like ETQW I am sure you will recognize some players from your beloved ET in the final movie and in this trailer.

Release (if it will be released) will be within a couple months, so don't hold your breath. Anyway, info about the trailer:
It's 33MB, x264 codec/mp4 bundle, if problems occur try using VLC, it's 01:06 minutes long.


While you're at it, check out www.four-kings.com =)
overused sarcasm, delete.
I don't understand!111
Quote"I know all Crossfire members love ETQW,"

Quote"If you for some reason don't like ETQW I am sure you will recognize some players from your beloved ET in the final movie and in this trailer."

Sarcasm is good, but when you switch to serious, start a new paragraph or at least change your tone a little. It gets confusing :<
I am deeply sorry for the confusion I caused!!1
its not your fault, the collective IQ of xfire is only 140...and i own 135 of that :P
you probably keep it in a box and are too stupid to use it
Fast fwd between frags sucks.
ban, qw abuse
funny comment
funny profile
My first thought was that you are being sarcastic, but then I remembered that I have Longcat in my profile and that makes it funny!

funny flyingdj joke btw
rglaf varför skakar du så mycket när du aimar :P?
I didn't like the jumping part in such a short clip..
the musics were nice and quality etc were flawless.

some known faces, but the game looks as awful as always :)

gl with the movie though

ps. keep up with the sarcasm, seems to be peculiar to qw playahs!
nice trailer
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