ET is stealing my RAM, help!

hi all,
since 2 weeks or something my et.exe acts weird. it laggs like hell, and when i check my taskmanager i can see the memory which is used by et.exe increasing more and more.
after 10min of playing it shows 928mb of my 2gb system memory used by et.exe and my game laggs more and more.
so please tell me how can I stop ET stealing all my RAM?

thx 4 ur help :)
moving trough the whole world with the flag abuse?
u r damn fast :X
start it with parameters...

+com_hunkmegs "512" +com_zonemegs "64" +com_soundsmegs "64"

or so
at the moment i'm watching ettv with ur settings and it sticks to 178mb, but dont know if its the same like when i'm playing by myself?!
give it a try ;>
et = nigga?
ram = bike?

image: Niggastole
called as a black man's triathlon... he walks to the swimming hall... and then he go back home by bike
ah, you bought it on LLI? they have n1ce planes here
;d pics please!
n1, Can I travel with it too? :D
hahaha youre so funny. not.
blame pb like everyone else would do
u know sth to disable pb? pmmeh :D
play quakewars
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