Stormscale Horde [WOW]

anyone wants to level new horde chars on stormscale :-P? /w rsn for pickup!

yet, leveling remains aids, but I care!
1st :D nope
plz save your life and go play something else
my life is wasted all over :-(
and i say fuck uuuuu cuz ur just a retard
poke your pimples, youngster :-)
image: 902_blubber

k i got owned

cuz ur pic is 2 cool for me :P
hello wow cheater
komm auf anub'arak :o)
ich werd auf keiner muell realm rerollen, deren server net in der cyclone bg sind :-I
wow is 2 addictive
So you can kill athene in world pvp ? =P stormscale is in the best battlegroup though. Anyway, I'm not motivated enough anymore to start over again =(
I care about the self crowned prince of shitheads. I just want some 5s competition ~
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