Moral dilemnia

Okay, so I'm sorting my washing out like normal and I have to move some clothes out of the tumblers to make room for mine. I decide to wait and see if someone comes to remove something before I put my third load in. Wait 5 mins and a Chinese guy comes, only has 1 load - NP. I use his machine.

I come back, and the tumbler on the left is still full from the same clothes I saw 2 hours ago (I put washing in, come back then move them into the tumbler).

As I'm moving from right to left, I open the wrong door by accident and quickly shut it...Then open it again...There is a 10 pound note hanging by the door (inside the machine).

Now, do I either think of it like this. It was fate and I was meant to find the note, if the Chinese guy hadn't of come I would've emptied the machine I found the money in an hour earlier.

Then there's the obvious factor, well it's not mine, but the door can be opened by anyone once the time has run out. Anyone could've opened the door and taken the money.

Would you take the money and do you think I did?
yes and yes
If you take it you can always renew your subscription at netcoders.
Probably not, once a cheater, always an idiot.
The irony!
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad

Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

oh and to stay on the subject: yes
yes and yes
I wouldn't take it and I doubt u did either
I would've taken it, but I bet you didn't!
yes and no.
evan <3
If I was a poor student, damn right I'd take it.
Are you nub :D
10 pounds omg so much money ! u destroyed someones life
well thats 10 litres of petrol,for 20 you got nice sennheiser headsets
i would have taken them if there was noone around + my clothes would have been done :D hit and run

Last time in work,it was quite cold and lady gave me roll of money to pay for her shopping (sum was 20 quid) ,she did it quickly and dissapeared,i checked the moneyz and there was 30 quid !!!
I looked outside but she was already gone .
Did I take them ? bear in mind that I work in a shop ! cameras are watching me
After 8 months brake ( no broadband after i've moved to UK Southmapton until 3rd of Feb) i'm back online and happy to see ya all : P

brake is brake .... let's take a brake

i didn't want do take it, I simply had no broadband.We can consider that as a brake ,can we ?
image: campagnolo-cobalto-brake

image: Lazy-Dayz

:F which one is brake and which one is break?

nice shot mate !! my mistake :D:D:D thanks to you i will save embarassing mistakes later on .
i must have taken a lot of time to arrange this lesson :P
well to be honest during these 8 months without internet
i was only speaking eng. :P now i have to work on my vocabulary.
You were confusing me :D
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