external drive

hoi guys

i ve had my external seagate drive for quite a time now but since last week it doesnt work anymore.

now i thought perhaps the defect happened to the external powerpart of the drive and i unmounted it outof the box.
now i want to build it into my pc and try it.

anybody of u already tried that before?
what do i need to know?

you need nothing to know, just put the cables from you PC which you arent using in ur harddrive from ur external case and done?
and what do i need to set the jumper to?
master = boot
everything else ''slave'' afaik
i did it and it works!

you just have to mark the external drive as a slave. for the instructions and correct "jumpering" just look at the top or bottom on your hd.
well i have indeed some jumper instructions on the top of my plate but they only show the positions for: master = on/slave = off, cable select and limit capacity to 32gb

what do you suggest?

can u remember how u set the jumper?
then try it with the homepage of seagate in your case maybe they got some instructions cuz its differetn from hd to hd
ah youre right

k i ll try, ty
np dude :)

ps: die platten sind bei e-tec oder ditech son schmarn eh schon total billig ;)
i dont wanna loose all my music n stuff :)

in my pc i ve got over 1,2 Tb
so np
ahh ok i hope it will work but you dont need more as the informations i gave you its very easy at least with the right instructions
if i ll get it done i still dont know wether the plate is defect or just the external powersupply was :D
in this case i cant help you ... :P
stop fixing ur PC and finish our fragmovie instead ! :D
it is finished

i just thought of putting some short fragsong between intro and fragpart with some nice short poweractions but i dont have music :D have a guess where my music is? :D

but everything else is fine =)
then gogo and release it before CDC4 plz :)

You can have alot of ET:QW material then for a juICE&Noorgrin (or KomaCrew) ET:QW fragmovie :)))
k ll do my best
first of all is it a SATA or a IDE drive ?
ATA ultra or sth

it is a seagate barracuda 7200.9
this ?

image: z_000553idecable80

or this?

image: SATA-Signal-Cable-1
in my pc there are the 2nd one and the ports on my plate are the 1st one
sorry need to do this in german now, can't translate everything...

Auf deinem Mainboard sollte aber auch ein IDE Anschluss sein (für dein DVD-Laufwerk i.d.R.). Nimm einfach das Kabel davon falls du kein anderes IDE Kabel da hast. Leider hat dein Mainboard vermutl. nur einen IDE-Anschluss und keine 2 mehr.Setz also den Jumper der Festplatte auf "slave" (normalerweise ist irgendwo auf der Platte ein Kleber wo beschrieben ist wie du den jumper setzen musst).
Dann stecke die Platte ein und sie sollte erkannt werden.

ggf. kann noch das Problem bestehen das der Laufwerksbuchstabe in Windows schon vergeben ist. Mach nen Rechtsklick auf deinen Arbeitsplatz -> Verwalten -> Datenträgerverwaltung
Und schau da nach ob die Platte erkannt wird. ggf einen rechtsklick drauf -> Laufwerksbuchstabe ändern auf Z: oder irgendwas was frei is.

Wenn du die möglichkeit hast dein DVD-Laufwerk und die Platte auf "cable selected" zu jumpern, dann mach das und stecke beide ein, sollte normalerweise funktionieren !
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