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Razer DeathAdder or Logitech mx518

my vote goes to Razer DeathAdder, not cuz i am using it but shape is really nice for my fat hand ;] and also infrared sensor rox instead of logitechs optical one
what's the difference between optical and that infra thing?
dunno i am not an expert, but as far as i played with both of them DA sensor is working smoother, more accurate etc.
MX518 obviously
diamondback 3G
i have a mx518 as it stands but then again - im wasn't happy when the cable broke - but that is a problem with the da aswell i understand... just be careful + keep your receit..

I'd say the DA - they are nice in your hand also.. the mx518 is good - but i think were waiting for the Next version now >)!

If you get one - get one soon.. GL! <3
i have mx518 but best mouse out there is da
DA or mx518 ..... too hard to say,both similar apart from weight.
I never played da, but 518mx is a perfect mouse...
They're both good. Depends on how you want it to be in your hand. mx518 = rather big compared to dA.
deathadder ez bash
DA isnt so much better.
but if you're not using so high DPI (1800 i think)
so mx518 is enough (1600 DPI)
and dont forget the price, the MX is much cheaper.
so if you agree to pay more and get 200 more DPI, go for DA
(im using mx)
as if more dpi would give some benefit
my DA was only 49€...
here we can get it for 80-100 :X
both are really good. deathadder is probably slightly better, but i still get the worrying feeling that it might stop working for some reason (maybe because the drivers crashed my pc when i tried to install them the first couple of times.)
can't lose with either really
thx for opinions guys, alrdy bought DA and lets hope that it is better then my G5. Gonna istall now, c u ! :DDD
mx518 playing with it for 2-3 years didn't happened a shit to it

my friends razer mouses always die in 2-5 months (just turns off systematically)
only logitech mx518...

try them both @ the shop
I got Lachesis... and it was bad way how to spend money...x)

buy 518
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