
show me some of your photoshop skillz !

this is what i made this afternoon and im proud of it!

image: shaunphotoshopclodoagemo4
rly nice :)
looks nice :)
nice shizzle
waiting for spree
wow, that pic u made there is fkin awesome m8, tbh I can't do that shizz :<

I have a tablet, and trust me, it's awesome :D

Make a deviantart account and upload your stuff there, you'll get good comments n stuff :)
yeah cool commentz!!1 dA is full of emo kids who think everything is art. If you just want comments and get "fans", dA is great. But if you want critique that helps you improve, you'd better go somewhere else...

I know, DA is full of retards, but it's the oly place if you want to show your overall art.

For concept art though, there's CGpad, which is also rly good.

For signatures, at first there was DutchDesignz, but that's down now :<
those things are called brushes, and yes, he used them ;)
well, I have, but I barely use it, only outdated stuff on it, although once in a while I upload something there.

just go to my profile and it's the link @ website :P

yes i did, i am not that god with thing like this so i used few brushes. Your picture is really good cuz its made w/o any helpful things. I never had any time to draw something since i am only working on thing like designs and same stuff. Keep on!
looks really nice.
Better than I could do it :D
no, it's not contrast this piece misses, it's the fact that due to overuse of smudging the edges became rly unsharp. he should just make a layer on top of this and define the edges a bit better :)
cant see the image ;<
I helped work on most of these flyers

you've got skills m8 :O
nah it sucks :< you rly need to do it much to get good with it, and yes i know it because i had to do it for my study
If you have talent it's only 1 week of practise or smth b4 ur good with it...
like i said, much
image: ETMuppets_by_biggz

made this a while back
pure shit

The logo is fine
alot better then spree already
read my comment to it m8 :)

btw, i'm not into drawing, i have no talent. the only thing I do is banners n stuff
ye u have no talent indeed
thats real shit lol
pro! \o/
lolz nice one vaGgi =)
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