hard drive problem

I have two hard drives one with windows xp and the other with vista.

I' am currently on xp drive atm, I can access the vista drive from xp, (access files etc) but i cant get the vista drive to boot. Ive even taken the xp drive out and tried to boot with just the vista, and i get a boot error.

Is there anything i can do? Sep format the vista drive?
You can get a program called WD diagnostics from the Western Digital website. That will tell you if your two hard-drives actually work.

If they both "PASS" the test, then they are working and it's a problem with your boot settings in your BIOS. If one fails, then it's broken and needs replaced.

They also have tools which tidy the drives, so it might be able to help your drive enough so that vista can boot.
Not seeing anything called 'WD diagnostic' :{
Firefox sucks, much appreciated!
thought ur name said pedo for 1 sec :(
Don't reveal his secret identity plx.
Is it a Samsung? I bought a new 500GB one just before christmas and have the same problem, except worse. Having to use the old 80GB (Samsung) one at the moment, thank god I've an external (Western Digital) as well to save most of my vitals.
samsung is teh poor quality... WD Caviar ftw...
Afaik u can make a multiboot file(ini-file or smth) so it will ask what OS to boot on start-up...

Google for VistaBootPRO...
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