e-drama! gbooky money stolen!

Since the match between Belgium and Norway has been cancelled I decided to bet on the new rescheduled match, but my old bet on team no ( loel wtf norway ) is just lost but I didnt get any money back :( fix the bug plz gtv ppl, you make me a sad panda for stealing 150 euroszz

oh the e-drama!

randompic :

image: ROFL


After I asked @ gtv the problem is fixed

<@ng> D`Krato
<D`Krato> ye?
<@ng> the match is twice in the schedule actually
<D`Krato> oh :o
<@ng> there you have your money back
<@ng> go check it

problem solved thx to ng , journal can be deleted ( sorry for logs )
Croatia 18.12 vs. 1.06 Poland 82 &#8364; on CRO Won 1,486&#8364;
mind telling this to gtv then?
planning to do that but im too lazy and im going to paly a war
why do you write an xfire journal then if you're too lazy...
So what can you do with that money


I would care alot then :')
I won the last 17 bets :)
Nice, hah?
im at last page anyway -.-'
happened to me also =[
LOST MY MONEY TOOO :< , it was easy money :l
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