uk vs. ee!


why the hell Czech Republic uk is playing with 2 Poland fucking nicklamers?

Israel cb should immediately made a new nationcuprule:

you have to play under your right nick - nothing before and behind it expect of the clantag.

its just annoying to watch those white names ;p
need fuckin rule for delay imo
funny that there is such a cb rule:
Quote by [bCB/EC RULES[/b]]5.2 Players always have to be easily identifiable to cup admins, opponents and spectators. Therefore, players must use easily identifiable nicks which are the same as (or very closely resemble) those registered on their Allowed Players List both on IRC and in-game. Sanctions: Yellow Card.

Edit: rofl, its EC and Ladder rule; cant see this is NC rules ...
I don't take care of the nicks. The delay was more important in this moment, cause I've to eat my dinner which was gettin' cold :C
i had to reply to your comment to make my post more visible :-D
Since no1 will really care about this journal :

Be won with 4:0 against Norway
And you didn't whine about david or maus.
Amazing isnt it ?


Member For: 5 months and 29 days!
"you have to play under your right nick"

They are under their right nicks, they are playing with their CB nicks, hentai and sheep.

Quit whining.
Yeah SPU9 n00b quit whining already!!1 ;D
lol nice flags :D:D:D:D.dd:d.d:
i rly care
red card for team uk!
not to mention EE played radar 5v6
nicklamer? wtf u talking about, just cos "uk" isnt in mine nor hentais tag, PLS
maybe they should turn up on time instead of 30 mins late and not pause 106824862 times!!!!!!!11111111111111111111
And then conveniently return with a working mouse the exact same second the game unpaused. :)
worst match ever
Maybe the admin should give us default win for Estonia wasting our time
Never thought I'd say this but your stupid.
NL played with 3 nick lamers last game
we use cb names!
thats why i <3 u :P
it's not my fault my team is a complete mess! :d
youre the captain, do smth about it?
100% agree
you have to play under your right nick - nothing before and behind it expect of the clantag.

100% agree!

players want eSport grow, but they dont know how to to behave and act like real pro in their matches :( simple difference and so big importance for future

I'm one of the people that changes my CB nickname before every war just to piss off the opponent, and under clanbase rule I HAVE to play under my fakenick.
man wake up, if players want to be kiddies ok, but you will be very surprised how important is when you wanna attract sponzors or external companies how you present yourself, your team, your game, your hobby in professional way... its easy, but its hard if you are not mature enough
since when is gaming for mature people?
you retard, never seen a pic of the mibr's team manager (nor any other pro organisation's CEO faces) :)
Finland fin got yellow card when Anonymous torspo used fake nick
why did torspo pwn so hard?
10k dmg etc
he is Finland skilled
coz enemy sucked :XD
He pretty much always owned hard. Underrated player.
since when do you care about it so much?
fucking weird game.... all that nickname stuff, ee coming late, yellow card, emerica ... etc. :s
luda new mystic !
I agree with you strangely
there is no rule that states you have to wear a clantag either... who cares? as long as they use their nicks fuck me
you tell him tiger!!! xD
same old fucking chestnut....jog on tard...
Good game Estonia, well deserved.
Evan - sell me some of your arrogance?
There's too much of it, wouldn't get a good price!
how have you been though?
go and whine!
it's not as if you wouldn't whine in their situation, 90% of players whine about a single pause in any war, so add that ontop of what happened at the beginning of the match, its inevitable and understandable imo
u fucking loosers discusing about nicks? does it fucking matter?
estonia won the game np unlucky for UK but gg wp now stfu

:D thanks
They still got ownd so no problem.
yellow card + ban
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