Razer DeathAdder Firmware

Razer DeathAdder Firmware v1.27 - has released!
Modified: 18 Feb 2008 07:23 PM Total Downloads: 4693
*Requires Razer DeathAdder Driver version 1.08 and above*
GL&HF DeathAdder's Users <3
random p1c:
image: churchsign
loooooooooooooooooool nice1 xD
nice pic :D
almog <3
omg FrAgOn omg!
cba downloading
whats the diffrence from the previous one ?
no changelog but prolly something they did improve or fixed ;p
and ofc newer version!
Wow , thats just brilliant!
allright !!!

first DA i had died just after 2 mins,i just changed DPI :D

then chaps from shop gave me new one + they put new FW in it.
hundreds must have died then XD first FM weas fucked apparently
"Fixes system wake up under S3 standby mode with certain models of some motherboards."

So won't make a difference to most users..
well when i tried to install the update for my deathadder driver my pc always crashed so i still have standard version, hope this wont fail me again
still using original/standard firmware
Ehm the early firmware versions are kinda fucked up... 450/900dpi are bugged with acceleration + lift-off stop distance was way to high. So would recommend updating tbh :p.

You could try updating firmware at another pc, it shouldn't give you trouble normally.
done without problems here ;d
same, tried this one mouse stoped moving and had to reboot again.
amazing what u can do with photoshop
Razer Deathadder Driver v1.08/ Firmware v1.25 - English

working great will not update this new firmware
<3 tha post xD :DDDDDDD
lol nice pic :DDD
religious jokes aren't funny
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