skatin.. :)

so i just restarted skating again
are some sk8terbois?
whats ur best trick atm?
how long do you skate?
and so on...
ive skated... best trick was 180 kickflip to boardslide.. but ive crashed like every bone in ym body learning that ^^ i dont skate for like 4 years now? :]
it's always a good idea to wear a helmet.
Still have a bump on the back of my head from 8 years ago :<
Yea, I dont really have best trick, I'v been skateboarding for 6-7years now, still do ! Not so active anymore tho, work work ;C

*Edit, maybe 360flip @ 5steps or fakie fs heelflip to noseslide @ flatbar or something :D Cant really think of any good tricks atm, everything is good.
I restarted few weeks ago, too :>
my best trick atm would be nollie lipslide on a ~0.5m flatrail... or in flat: kickflip. yes, i suck, but it's still fun xD
The Alhric
ban this random noob, he is talking german!! :P
Parent, i didn't
nollie lipslide on a ~0.5m flatrail
this is skilled imo

as i was 14 i did a 360flip-to crooked
the older guys were rly jeaulous!
only did it 2 times then i hurt my ankle :(
nollie lipslide is very easy imo. I guess you know that with nollie the lipslide is the easy one and boardslide the hard one? :P

It's nearly as easy as a backside boardslide imo ^^

but 360flip crooked is crazy ;)
back in my old times i didnt grinded a lot or did many slides
i always had been the guy for the flips :)
hmm.. I guess it's the opposite for me :D
It took me 1-2 years to learn kickflip... and today I still can't do it every try. But I like curbs and flatrails =)
i skated for 1 year and stopped 1 year ago xd
never did nothing awesome, just the occasional kickflip :>
skated when i was little boy :DD
Age: 38 ( 6 September 1969 )

Some time ago ya ? :d
Blading > Boarding. <3
used to skate for 2years but i quit because i couldnt learn any of the harder tricks D:::
na just say you failed and quited
isnt that what i just said?
i just wanted to help you to say it easier
Backflip on the minirem <3 With RollerBlades

Skating for 3 years atm
I skated for about 9-10 years now. Always at the subway skating. I do all possible tricks. I also skate on the ceiling upside down... I skate for about 26 hours a day.

lold irl @ skating 26 hours a day :DDDDDDD
that's the fun :)
did it for a long time, stopped ~4 years ago

best fliptrick was 360 flip i guess
boarded like 2 hours in the last 3 trick probably was a manual for ~7 seconds xD
p.s: still not able to do an ollie:<
i lold xD
but manual for 7 seconds is high ++ imo :P
:D not rly, but at least made it with fs&bs^.^
Did it onces.

Then, i tried to be cool. bam

fell on my knee and it still hurts after 5 years
Havnt skated in years, like 8-9 :D but

Best trick was fakie360flip to 5.0 , jumped 5 decks and kick/heelflipped 3 :>

Inline: Mystyflip, frontflip, all kinds of grinds, cant rmember anynames tho thats like 12 years ago.. Still got a huge scar in the middle of my chest grinding down swimhall stairs xD
jumped 5 decks and kick/heelflipped 3 :> ofc!!!11 xD
only ollie over 5 or also kick/heelflip!?
neva eva :P
even I was able to ollie 3 (or 4? dont rly remember) decks before my "skate-pause". it's not THAT hard... I know/knew some guys who could do that.
only did 4 and that was fcking tight for me ... but i was like 1,50 meters tall xD
lol depends on the way u staple them :D
I could do 5 when they were stapled correctly aswell :P

My best trick was a 360flip i suppose
Noice, didnt know you used to skate too! <3
i skated when i was 12... i could do a oli and kickflip :D
i could do a 360 turn on rollerblades when i was about 6.
i skate with skates, i skate on ice =)
I'm footskating
i still can do an ollie!!
but thats the only trick i can do and i cant do it while driving ;DD
Around 6-7 years, Not skating anymore.. Hmm lemme think bout the trick.. Flip from 10 stairs or fakie 540 kickflip from pyramid(was fucking lotto :D:D )
when i was little i had a skateboard

could do an ollie (think i can still do it) and once got a kickflip done
skated for 2-3 years but quit ~2years ago..never much tried the rails but could do the basic slides/grinds x) i also did fs, bs flips and heels and all that other basic stuff + my fav trick - big flip X) . loved to skate ditches amd pyramids etc
Norway kris is a pro skator!!
Norway Lakaii as well! He skates on gravel!
( i hope you're talking about skateboarding and not about blading because thats just.. _gay_ )

i skated for ~3 years.. sometimes skate again when i'm really bored

mostly stairs and rails

kickflip, heelflip, varial kickflip, random 360 shove its + these things in fakie...

most of the grinds..

_the good old times_
i could go in a straight line and do an ollie
used to skateboard alot, not that good at it though

could do some rail tricks, ollie ofc, kick/heelflip, shoveits, 360flip, and some other tricks
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