fake or not??????

12 out of 20
why is everybody a damn mongol in that test?
You got 13 out of 20 correct
loool, cuz mother nature is gay!
You got 13 out of 20 correct
You got 16 out of 20 correct
15 out of 20 but its really hard

i knew it cuz i knew the explanetion =D
with zeh brain and stuff
16 out of 20. I thought I got less.
You got 17 out of 20 correct
Got 18:20 , all you have to do is look if they chuckle before they smile :>
Spot The Fake Smile
You got 15 out of 20 correct
15/20 some horrible monsterfaces there..
would not recommend this for kids under 18!
had 10/20 :(
hes a faker!
He's metal \o/
Spot The Fake Smile
You got 17 out of 20 correct
14/20 :T
You got 12 out of 20 correct
You got 15 out of 20 correct
You got 15 out of 20 correct

weve got so much in common!!



sirius :DDD
You got 14 out of 20 correct... Reading the results I think anyone on cf is pretty good at spotting fake smiles!
You got 14 out of 20 correct
Is it possible to get under 10 in that? Those people were so damn ugly that I kept pressing "Fake" whole time to get over it fast.
rofl true they were ugly as fuck :P
and how ugly is fuck?
You got 7 out of 20 correct
crap Kito xD no human knowledge!
You got 14 out of 20 correct
You got 16 out of 20 correct
Spot The Fake Smile
You got 17 out of 20 correct

Look at the labels below each image to see which smiles are genuine and which are fake.

Ticks and crosses show which smiles you got right and wrong.

Click on the image if you want to see the smile again.

incorrect correct incorrect correct correct

correct correct correct correct incorrect

correct correct correct correct correct

correct correct correct correct correct

Most people are surprisingly bad at spotting fake smiles. One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling.

Although fake smiles often look very similar to genuine smiles, they are actually slightly different, because they are brought about by different muscles, which are controlled by different parts of the brain.

Fake smiles can be performed at will, because the brain signals that create them come from the conscious part of the brain and prompt the zygomaticus major muscles in the cheeks to contract. These are the muscles that pull the corners of the mouth outwards.

Genuine smiles, on the other hand, are generated by the unconscious brain, so are automatic. When people feel pleasure, signals pass through the part of the brain that processes emotion. As well as making the mouth muscles move, the muscles that raise the cheeks – the orbicularis oculi and the pars orbitalis – also contract, making the eyes crease up, and the eyebrows dip slightly.

Lines around the eyes do sometimes appear in intense fake smiles, and the cheeks may bunch up, making it look as if the eyes are contracting and the smile is genuine. But there are a few key signs that distinguish these smiles from real ones. For example, when a smile is genuine, the eye cover fold - the fleshy part of the eye between the eyebrow and the eyelid - moves downwards and the end of the eyebrows dip slightly.

Scientists distinguish between genuine and fake smiles by using a coding system called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), which was devised by Professor Paul Ekman of the University of California and Dr Wallace V. Friesen of the University of Kentucky.
You got 15 out of 20 correct
You got 14 out of 20 correct

Look at the labels below each image to see which smiles are genuine and which are fake.

Ticks and crosses show which smiles you got right and wrong.

Click on the image if you want to see the smile again.

You got 16 out of 20 correct
21/20, I busted one guy twice!
Spot The Fake Smile
You got 7 out of 20 correct
what was wrong with the number 15?
it can't be genuine ffs

You got 15 out of 20 correct
You got 15 out of 20 correct

If they are not looking at the camera they are laughing for real (:
12/20 -.-'
You got 14 out of 20 correct
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