Mp3/video player

Im gonne buy a Mp3 player like the ipod Classic which can also play videos, but i know there are also other players like this out there like the creative zen.

Any experience? maybe other players besides these ones i should consider buying?

hacked iPod Touch (32 GB)
iPod Touch <3

(even Youtube looks good on it!)
I have had iPod video 1,5 years and it has worked really well. Going to buy new iPod if this one breaks. :)
how much iPod video (30gb or 80gb) costs nowadays , around 300$?

and what about iPod Touch , 500+$ or smth?

just dunno -.-
80gb ~250 euros
ipod touch 8gb on 5k tartu kaubamajas, 16gb 6k
you get the 20 $ apps for free. you can paly paly so many n1ce games. you can change the theme and icons. you can ssh to your iPod Touch. you can use unix cmds like wget, irssi, etc. you can use msn and irc clients
seriously, it's rly so much you can do with it.

without hacking it it's not worth to buy it (imo)

btw you can hack it in less than 2 mins!
hmm, ok. Guess the only features I'd be interested of would be msn/irc and themes.

Been pissing me off a bit that you can't change backgrounds.

Gonna look into it some day
I got my own repo :> i will make it public in some days... :p
I know, but I ment what are the benefits (what programs are available)
do you have fear to hack it? is almost the same like apt-get for linux (but you have a gui!) you can find sooo much rly n1ce stuff there! ffs hack it! :D
too much to name, nes emulator is pretty cool + all the iphone apps + other intresting stuff
NES emu seems pretty useless without real buttons :p
nope, it's cool
nice way to waste some time playing super mario or sth
yeah but I have GP2X, it's a handheld console with Linux that I can inbstall most emulators on with real controls, I also already have a flashcard for NDS so have some emulators for that too, seems to useless with iPod Touch :p
well you're gonna look much better playing around with your iphone on the bus for example rather than a big ugly handheld, but that's just me :D
Nintendo DS is clean and sexy <3
image: newipodtouch2wp5

This one > all
image: sandisk_sansa_e250

I have this one, the screen is a bit smaller then the iPod's I guess but it's alot cheaper. They do have some nice other stuff, just google for 'sandisk sansa'
got me a Zen recently, like it a lot. cheaper as the ipod, but just as good imo.
lol, no wai that it's better than the iPod :DDD
i did not say it is better, its just as good. apple got an expensive brandname, but its not very good. and i hate itunes.
cowon d2 + sdhc 16gb ftw
srsly, just pwns + fucking nice music quality (72mW)

d2 2gb - 150 euros (in SHITPoland) 16gb sdhc with some kickass timings etc. about 50 euros

+flash skins +editable themes +editable fonts=> awsomeness for pimping

if interested, i can take some photos...

+ lots of fw. updates (ie. they added flash support, those flash music menus, dictionary [eng-korean, but there are some nice 'chambers'], notepad [drawing stuff ftw.])
and those updates are extremely easy and safe to make...

well spend money
I've got the Archos GMini 500 40gb and I'm very satisfied about it. Or just get an Zen, seems to be good if the conspiracy isn't about to continue.
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