Back from Down Under [ger]

Hoi! Today i came back from Australia! Now im back in the sucky, rainy and cold Germany :((((((( It was so fucking nice down there! met so many nice people, and the aussies were really nice as well ;)
welcome back to the "real" world :-)
for how long have you been stayin in australia?
almost a month, still it was not enough :((
hu otter, wb
hey man
im coming back tommorow, germany is rescued.
new zealand > australia
so funny @ rugby fans
kp auf jeden fall waren da so 5000 leute vor westminster abbey den einen tag und dann sind viele die laternen hoch geklettert
und eine.. sone geile sau klettert die erstma vor uns in ihrem minirock hoch, und cam war leer. GG.
pack ma ger tag rein sonst gibts bAn >D
wie lange bistn geflogen?
try to say it in engl Mr. IamInEnglandForSomeTime :P
bin glaube ich so um die 26std geflogen, halt über london und hong kong ;) naja neuseeland will ich auch noch mal, ist glaube ich auch schön da ;) naja werde eh auswandern wenn ich die ausbildung fertig habe... zumindestens hoffe ich das xD
U met rico?
most of the time, only old people visit tassie :P

although they do have the best food in auz i've tried mmmmmm peppermint bay :D~~~
I fail to see how that's a response to my comment, but okay :P
rico lives in tasmania, it's that other island off the southern tip of auz ;p
yea i know, but i didn't rly comprehend the comment :P

no i do :D
Ohhh bet it was nice :P
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