mafia help!

i got to a part where i stole some documents out of a truck rider and stole his truck, got into the lost heaven port and i need to steal all the "Scessors paprarer" something :P i drive to the place with crates with a man guarding it, he tould me to load the crates, i do that, then i speak to him and he specs what i have done, then i talk to him again and he goes away
prob is, i cant manage to load all the crates to truck as he comes too fast :/
how i do this shit!
ask netCoders
awesome joke
nigga stole my documents
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hurry up...
there are 2 man near...u need to ask them to help u loading some boxes...(not that ones u want)...when u finished u talk to the chief again,and u will tell him he is needed at the train station...he goes... so u will have enough time if u r clever...then just leave. izi.
i amz clever, but he comes back too fast :P
all i know is, u pull up the truck backwards to the loading dock. then u walk in the building.. the guy says blabla load or smth or whatever then he walks away to do something. when he walks away u start loading straight away.. note that u dont need to walk all the way into the truck just ´drop´ them when u are on the edge of the truck or smth... he´ll come back by the time u are carrying the last one or so... just ignore him and put it in asap then jump in ur truck and drive... careface at those shooting at u they cant aim anyway =d
k ill try :P
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