PC Gamer - Got i.d mate ?

went into wh smiths this morning to get some lunch and saw a recent edition of PC gamer, a magazine i'm quite fond of and decide to pick it up and buy took it to the checkout along with a sandwich and a bottle of water.

I give the items to the clerk where he asks me for id ...

i asked why ... ?

and he pointed to the aparent 18 symbol which true enough was present on the magazine

oh my god

so why does PG Gamer and Total PC Gaming have 18 tags and things like Xbox Gamer have only a 15 ?!


Really poor call by the ratings authority...
that xfire birthday bug is confusing :x
i've bought that magazine before when i was 14 even
this thing doesn't work in estonia.
no keegi ei küsi sult id-d, kui sa just mingit maajat ei osta
*no one will ask you id unless you buy some porn*
Finally, someone else notices just how paranoid the brittish goverment is becoming.

Cigarettes being raised to 18 was ridiculous for a started, i mean im 19, but it pisses me off having to take my i.d with me everywhere just so i can buy a packet of cigarettes.

Then theres clubs, when even if you DO have id, eg. citizenscard, provisional drivers license, they will still not let you in as they still think 'you look too young' to be in the club.

Ridiculous, it really is. And now this example, rated 18 for a fucking magazine. when theres far more vulgar content available to the younger generations.

Stupid i know mate.

The person that id'ed you must of been a right turd.
compared to USA we r pretty free in europe
i remember showin my ID in the whole USA (supermarket, alcohol store, strip club, bars...) though i´ve been 23 years old
i prefer me showin my IP every time instead of my brother gettin what he wants with the age of 12!
hello Mr sexy visore <3
Cigarettes being raised to 18 was a good thing really, although its shit for people who are over 18+ and get asked every time, at least its trying to reduce the number of minors smoking, although the majority of the time they just ask some guy who's outside the shop. The magazine issue is a joke tho, i had no idea you had to be 18 although i've never bought one. As for the clerk, did you know if you sell something to any who is underage you can get fined up to £5000 and fired. I do agree that the British goverment is a pile of wank tho =>
Wow.. Yeah, if you weight the problem with kids under 18 smoking against the inconvience you experience actually reaching into your wallet and pick out your ID.. It's just not fair.
Whats the problem with showing your id so you can buy cigarettes / alcohol? I'm sure you wont have to show your id all your life, just till you are 20 or so ?
Amagod he's still alive????! :p

Ye, The Netherlands is far more relaxed about all this, 16 for cigarettes/16 for light alcoholic drinks and even Br33Z4h5 who are 14 can get cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Only downside is that you have to be 18 for getting some drugs.

Here they don't pay attention at the age tags, mostly.
They wanted to change it here aswell, 18 for all alcoholic drinks and ban drugs, but it didn't turn out quite the way they wanted it to be.
things are goin crazy :D
most games magazines with DVD are 16+ here, and sometimes they have an extra DVD which is 18+.
I never showed my ID when buying cigarettes, even though I look like a 12 year old with a glued on beard :P
If it had a demo with the magazine, it's auto 18+ because they aren't going through any rating system such as PEGI
it did unfortunatly

i don'y buy it for the cd though :(

bummer ://
You should of spat in his face
Had the same when I wanted to buy a magazine. Sucks reallllly hard. I just wanted to read some nice stuff....
sure and wank on some nude models
They swear in the magazine :DDDD although its probably all this "Video game violence rubbish"
always take ur id with u :P
there are swear words in kerrang, in this weeks kerrang infact yet there is no min age for it...

well i don't get id'ed for it anyway
You see tits in Nuts etc too and you can get that at 16 can't you?
theres quite a bit of gore in that aswell good point
Its because of the demo disk, thats the only reason why. I tried to buy it a while ago and managed to get it. Shame PC Gamer has gone down the pan abit, way to expensive and I can get the same news on the internet much quicker. Shame... it used to be good.
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