need a smartphone

Hi geeks,

I am currently looking for a nice smartphone,
my co-worker uses an HTC touch (pretty classy) and the other one a blackberry pearl (dont like it that much).
Basicaly i just want something to synchronize my outlook schedule, check my mails and also get a decent sound quality as i remember the Qtek s100 was crap, and last but not least i dont want something with a short lifespan battery.

I seriously have no clue about what s really decent now, and no i dont want a fucking Iphone.

Qtek g200 ? htc touch? something else? anyone got a decent knowledge of those things?

edit : forgot it also need bluetooth
You want this one?

image: iphone
Maybe pick up one of the Nokia N series phones, anything on the symbian operating system is a pleasure to use!
thanks i am checking them atm. It s always hard not to go directly to the most expensive crap when you only need half of what they offer :p
I got the n70 and it's amazing, really.
Nokia N95
check out Nokia 6120 Classic too (that what i got)
Got a Touch. Works fine for me.
Nokia's battery sux balls >.<
U gotta recharge it every night.
U can use it for 4 hours in a row max, but it can stay @ standby a day.

Why ain't ya want an iPhone ?
too expensive, and i dont really like the mac style of it.
hct touch
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