javascript/html work

can some1 tell me how to : "create an input area to accept user input of five numbers and a button which, when clicked, takes the user to another page if the numbers have been entered"

please and thanks :)

EDIT : wooohoooo i got it :)
I know, but too lazy to type it on a fridaynight :)
ok then :< guess i figure it by myself
night? lots of sun here atm
<title> xxx</title>
<form method="post" action="www.html" >
<input type="text" name="aaa">
<input type="submit" value="send">

it's ok ?:D

then you have to creat that " www.html "
if ($imie!="")
{ echo "welcome";}
{ echo "wrong ";
<a href="that page where you write">go back</a>
<? } ?>
it works when you write someting in that text box, if not it says " wrong " and give link to go back :o that's all i can do for you :P i'm not so good on that, just started learning ;[
php != javscript :/
ANY 5 numbers or does it have to be an exact number as in like a password?

Do you want it completely in javascript/html only or do you have a server-side script that could do the numbercheck?
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