Aiming with accel

Well lately i hear everybody like to play without mouseaccel. Fine i believe this is very comfortible, you just set a number and you are done. But I think a lot of you would try why there is mouseaccel. I dont say this is better to play with, but i like it and i want to share. Ofc this not for pro player but who knows who need help :-)

image: acceloy5
good explanation
Just plug and play here :) All settings default so dunno if i have that or not
what was the command for accel?
cl_mouseaccel X (make sure you have no accel in windows, double accel can f*ck up your game play..)
Sorry for engrish, I wrote fast and still i am an hungarian :-)
Well Nunca (?) tutorial got deleted so i couldnt comment there...
thx helpful for beginners and advanced players
By the way, this is a good reason why I dont like fov change. I dont have to use if i have accel. (Personal ofc)
i second that using mouse acceleration for 2 months now and my aim improved.Did not play for 2 years with mouse acceleration cause people told me it would ruin your aim but i guess they just didnt understand how to use to their own advantage.
Same opinion, they just give the accel but dont lower the sens i think OR they use too big accel
they are just stupid
accel cant make some1's aim worths
lo :D
what you wrote is actually correct. But it depends what you like most, I like most m_pitch 0.016 without accel.
But really nice examples.

I think I saw something like this before, I'll search it.
tutorials pls :)
lololol lets be highsensers AND mouseaccellers :X)
btw thx for the explanation, its really helpful for people who cant find big enough mousepads cause of the country they live in AND are lowsensers (ppl like me :X)
I am low senser ! Accel just give a boost on close combat.
Accel just makes close combat impossible.

oh yes, very clever =)
try to set accel, and after u cant hit at short distance ? :D
yes it is very clever

you cant aim with a dynamic sensitivity
and it SO is changing all the time in close range with accel on

sorry to diss you douchebag
nice, i got 3.3sens ingame, 3windows, m_pitch 0.0151 what acell i shoud use?

i test.
2.7 sens
m_pitch ?! still use 0.0151 :x
cl_mouseacel 0.001
I cant say more than i wrote down. Depends what you feel the best. And well i am not in portugal i cannot help :p
so come to portugal and help me!
Other thing, i format my computer. Install setpoint and mousefix, but my mouse still have a kind of accel duno why:S

And after format my crosshair ( cg_drawcrosshair 3, cg_crosshairsize 32) i cant see my crosshair, have a kinda of smooth.. dunno why, first i thought it was grafic drives.. but i install old one and happen same thing :S

for the crosshair try to fiddle around with your graphic driver settings, might help
try to set .1 and make ur sens 2.4-2.5
Dont, 0.1 is too big accel in et (depends on mouse).
too big ? o_0
i use .3 and after cpma it's lowsens
btw i have mx518
In game like et almost everybody played without accel, so for 1st try its too big. Ofc some player can use that but...
it depends on fov/mouse settings
accel has nothing to with mousesettings.. you just like it or not.... accel wont neither be ever too little... it's always too big or perfect!
dont like accel...
Nice job Nonix ;)
I actualy use accel, and it's great ;)
this sens makes no sense
I used to have accel earlier when I played q3osp (obout 2 years ago now).

i had something like cl_mouseaccel 0.02987654321, combined with pretty low sens (20cm=180dgr). It's pretty nice but you have to get used to it. Not very good for flicks but very good for turning. That's why I switched over to highsens without accel so I can get both of the aspects.

Nice tutorial though :p
didnt use also Shewie + Ganon + Max Acc. ?
only BelgiumShewie
yes, me too but i give it a new try!
I have mouse accel ON in Windows. What does that make me?
It makes an unknown accel. It's not good if you can NOT set: :p
400 dpi / Low accel / 2 or 1.5 ingame
used to play et with accel... but then i started cs and u cant have accel in it :(
this is just my opinion!

IF you are playing ONLY with 90fov, dont even try to play with accel. (90 degree isn't broad enough)
neither dont try if you are playing with highsens. (sensitivity will be uncontrolable in actions where you have to turn like 180degree)

but it you're playing with lowsens (like 40 = 180degree), i can also say that, you should try it!
I dont get your point to be honest. why would be harder to turn with accel when accel makes easier the turn ? :-)

I play with fov90. Harder to aim with 90 but u can see well on long distance.
Hehe these things are just what u like... For example I aim better with fov 90 :P
"why would be harder to turn with accel when accel makes easier the turn ? :-)" how the hell you can ask like that, if i just gave some conditions? tbh i didn't get your point neither... just say which settings you are meaning

IF you ment what i said about highsens.... donno why ppl are playing with highsens, but i play coz i hate when somebody is shooting you from behind... with highsens i can turn faster, but when i m in 1on1 duel tracking isn't that good as i would play with low sens... but if i also set little mouseaccel, my sensitivty will be uncontrolable... after you have learned (without accel) how many cm you have to move your mouse to make 180degree sensitivity aint problem to do it again and again... but with mouseaccel you wont get same feeling ever coz your crosshair movement also depens how fast you're moving your mouse on the pad.... and with lowsens it's 100000 times easier to control those turns coz it takes ages to turn 180 degree....

and yeah tbh it's possible to make perfect turn after you have learned... but first of all you have to move your mouse everytime on pad on same speed :D

and about 90fov... it depens how are you playing (yeah also what you like the most)... 90fov isn't harder than 110 or 120... depens about many things................ not enough bored to write about that
If you can learn how many cm you need for a turn. Why would be difficult to learn how many cm and how fast you need. Believe me, human brain is a very good stuff when you use it. :-)

And I afraid you have bad experience in useing mouseaccel, probably you tested once and you couldnt aim. I think you tested some high accel and eversything was uncontrolable. As you can see who knows accel to set to a right settings... they are used to playwith that and feel comfortible.
first of all... yes i played 1year with mouseaccel (didn't know about that).. but when i heard it's able to disable it... i did it asap.

lol you can't you use your mouse always with same speed.. or with speed that you know how much the accel affect...

and why should use little accel... it's almost same that you have not accel at all

but tbfh.... mouseaccel isn't that useful in ET... it's different in games like Counter Strike where you dont have to hit that much than in ET... but i got your point.... i guess 90% of the community haven't tried mouseaccel... but anyway... mouseaccel is made for lowsensers.. coz it would take ages to hit the enemy if you are watching to different side than where the enemy is... but accel is same than fov, crosshair etc.. just use what you think is best 8)

but yeah... not bad journal... ppl should rly try it... but like i said... accel isn't that useful in ET

but gj anyway
what accel do to ur mouse anyway ? O_O
Read the tutorial ? :o
i did but i am so dumb i guess :XD
Nice, but just do what you like...Nothing is good and nothing is bad!
Really nice to read. Gather some more info and make a tutorial
cl_mouseaccel 0.01 is really nice
So in english. RaZiel was wrong :D?
So in english, use whatever you want.
kboard combination to maximize window? cant get my irc up :-\
maybe this is the reason you cant aim Nonix? :<
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