soldier-MG bind

i use drawgun "1" all the time (for some reason i like it) but it DONT like it when i am laying on the floor with MG. I need a script that hides my mg ONLY when i am laying on the ground.
could someone help me out on this one?
just make a drawgun toggle.

bind downarrow "vstr zgun"
set dg1 "cg_drawgun 0; set zgun vstr dg2"
set dg2 "cg_drawgun 1; set zgun vstr dg1"
set zgun "vstr dg1"
... or just

/bind n cycle cg_drawgun 1 0
more like toggle
I have cycle and it works :/
bind n toggle cg_drawgun
I have cycle and it works :/
just do it as a bind?
bind X "weapalt; cg_drawgun 0"

bind SPACE "+moveup; cg_drawgun 1"

- create autoexec_soldier.cfg
- content: cg_drawgun 0 and maybe cg_autoreload 1

of course you've to create files like autoexec_medic/fielop etc
well, it's one of thousands solutions
What spree said
/bind p "toggle cg_drawgun"
set d1 "weapalt; cg_drawgun 0; set d3 vstr d2"
set d2 "weapalt; cg_drawgun 1; set d3 vstr d1"
set d3 "vstr d1"
bind MOUSE2 "vstr d3"

hmm i hope it will work ^^ its been sooo long time since i've last binded something ^^ just push right mouse and it should use weapalt+drawgun 0 and when u push it second time, it will be drawgun 1 ;P
the d3 part is utterly useless.
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