Hi ...
I bought Logitech MX 620 and tryied to play ET on this shit ... it's impossible ... This mouse have 2k DPI and when i try to turn back rather quickly crosshair is moving slowly :< Is it possible to change DPI in this mouse ? i need 800 DPI but in setpoint i cant find it... Help meh
U need to set it urself

EDiT: Theres a help file in setpoint, 2 lazy to make a pic and upload it. GL
i read it ... but ther's nothing what can help me
If you go into setopint advanced game option you'll prolly see 3 DPI modes highlighted. When you click on them it will set the dpi. If you want to change the dpi just click on the numbers, not the DPI the number 1,2,3 I think that will remove the dpi. Do that with 2 of them, then click normally on the left over DPI button (highlight it) and move the slider on the right of it till you have your desired DPI.

NP but plz don't pm me, thats more then enough info :D

and btw Id delete that shit software if I was you :>
plz man look @ screenshot of my SetPoint

Anf show me where is Avanced game settings (i know it's in Polish but nvm , position is the same)
I Just read a review of that mouse and it said its fixed on 800 DPI
no DPI for you it seems >:/
Strange on mine it says Advanced game settings in the corner. yours does not maybe it is fixed like instig said.
u have MX 620 Cordless laser ? what version of SetPoint do u have
no im using setpoint tho. just pointing it out
Why would you waste money on such crap? :D
cause my lovely a4tech x750 BF died today and i needed new mouse :(
MX518 all the way if your logitech fan. :D

or this overrated G5. :>
ye mx518 rocks! take it back and get it :P
Hi cheater =)
Duh cheater? :o
Where's my bust? :D
Its saved in my brain. when I was in gD We played a mix and dreamer took screenshots and yours was showing coloured models..
And your friend Suvi or w/e when we played with him you said you know him for years and he doesnt cheat but his humanised was too obvious.. then I see your screenshot. So your a cheater with cheaterfriends. Gl @ ET
Rofl @ coloured models. :D
Never used a cheat, never seen this screenshot, so please without any solid proof or even this screenshot, stick your bullshit back your ass.
Well sir why would I lie about something like that? I don't have the screenshot, I just left the clan. And tbh I dont need to prove this to anyone because I know it's a fact. Wouldnt bother for your sorry ass anyway but heres a pic that shows that I still have autoop in #gD so you cant go whine and say I was never in the clan :P
Lol, your way wrong, you and your Quzan squad were still in clan when me and suVi were out of it already. Dreamer never told me about this shit, neither did p5y, when I asked p5y after some rumors came out of me hacking, he said it was some portugese squad that was busted, not us.

You fail.
protecting the clan? Dunno but I was told it was you, and the faact that rumours we're out just indicates alot aswell.

And it wasnt really my squad, I was just a victim thinking Id actually found a decent skilled team to only be again screwed over by some cheating cunts ... end of discussion. couldnt care less...
Protecting what clan? The one that spread out bs about me using wh? No thx. Thx for egoboost btw. lol
Did I mention that I saw a screenshot? And did I mention I read your name on it? Nice egoboost it must be being low+ with a cheat...
Im really good at messing with people, I wanted to know how many excuses you'd post etc. I can read and I read your name so even if there is no proof I know that you cheated. Funny thing was that you were still low+, maybe ask suvi for his hax, but I bet ur already med+ and dont need them.. unexpected

Lol @ not even seeing pb ss, k mr. pro w/e you say. :D
Oh I saw it and now just stfu and go cry in a pillow or something...

(Need a fucking ignore function on crossfire tbh... Shows that the stereotype of a cheater is true, they're all retards ...)
Why would I need to cry? Usually people has ground+proof to call people cheater and spread it out, but you in that case got shit at all. It would be just as same I call you cheater. Prove it that you ain't?
Erm if you could logicly understand sentences you would have noticed that I said I don't need to prove it to anyone because I know what I saw and you would have also read that I cant be bothered for your sorry ass.. IN RETARD: It's proven by me, for me. Im no attention whore that needs to bust people all the time, but I really regret not saving that screenshot cuz your a stupid cunt. Oh did i mention that I said: End of discussion? kkthxbye

Np, I'm asking this screenshot. I'm gonna get good laugh. thx2you.
Update setpoint and then the advanced blabla thingy
Hello Mr late night cybergames with me Bug abuser <3
I didnt play on cybergames yesterday evening :D
Noo but we were doing bugs on braun and adler at 4 in the morning there together, I thought we had something special >;/
Really , I wasnt doing bugs yesterday :S
It wasnt yersterday and you forgot me so gtfo >:/

When was it then ? :S
ASD Im sick of replying on crossfire today, too much :D It was maybe 3 weeks maybe 6? I dunno, Just add me to your buddylist and lets get this over with <3
i have the lastest version 4.40.88 ...
blaaaa help me :<< i bought crap and what now :< ? no chance to fix this crapy DPI ? (kurwa) mx620 review
rofl @ instig8r :DDDD , get skill
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