yawn offline

wtf is up with yawn?
srsly, exactly today I rly need it alot, and it's offline, gg :S

Sadroach :<
image: 355474881_850ad8b533
why do u need yawn?
u have ur own house
I only play at days when yawn is not working. Hopefully it stays offline for long time.
the hole friggin day its off :(
it sucks :(
true ;<
I need it for some confirmation on a new bust I'm doing atm, but since it's offline I can't rly do anything :<

I can still do /pb_plist in the console, and then enter the pb guid @ pbbans, but yawn is better for that shit imo, cuz afaik u can't enter an etproguid @ pbbans :<
after i played vs some randoms i always look if thats their real nick & where do they play, and what is? x.x OFFLINE...

it sucks rly hard :(

but..well..i hope its getting online again <3
paranoid yawnwarrior!
yep :) u not? :o
You can still read the cache of the players guid via google
it was me!
come ventrilo m8 :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:DDDD:::D:D:::D:D:D
going over to the windowspc, brb
shit happens
It sucks, I played a guy today who shot 70 headshots in 22 minutes on supply, and I couldn't check him out !

Kicked him anyway, don't trust anyone with 60+ headshots.
u can google the guids there are mostly in the google cache
or try pbbans if you have a streamed server
if a guy got kicked for hacks in a server that is NOT streamed, I will not be able to see the kick info/ip/guid?
only if the server is streamed I can see the info?
if you have full acces.. you can see all IP's he has used + aliases.. but sometimes also guids.. but it is not certain that the other guids really are his..
what do you mean full accses? I mean for expmle a guy got kicked for hax in server that is NOT. there is a way i can find him @ pbbans?
yeah ;D i mean the yawn entry is mostly is still reachable on the google cache when the website is down 8D
60-70 hs with 2 rounds in supply is easy imo (:
But you're a cheater =)
You can call me a cheater, yes, for hacking on pub and getting caught.
But I say i'm not, never used hacks on wars or for a prolonged period of time. :e
I didn't say it was 2 rounds, I said it was 22 minutes. And please, I've specced so many wars as an admin for OC and EC and the people getting more than 60 headshots are countable on 1 hand.
"Kicked him anyway, don't trust anyone with 60+ headshots."
So that sentance goes for 22 minutes exactly?
I thought you meant overall, as in 1 map. And I mentioned that in my post. :)
I've played with you, and against you. You don't shoot easily 60-70 headshots.
You've played with me once, maybe 4-5 months ago?, when I wasn't active.
When you didn't have hax?
I stilll don't, dunno why you're accusing me. i'd never pay 100$ for a bot to a dying game which I don't play seriously. (mixes with friends only, for fun)
i couldn't even buy a bot if i wanted, don't have credit card..
What's the difference between funmixes and not being rly active? Both won't improve your skill, but you still seem to imply you improved a great lot.
i've played for over 3 years, about time to be a bit better than low+ tbh. and yes, I have improved a lot over the last 6 months, i've become a medskilled player in my opinion. might be cpma helping my aim, might be me getting older and reaching the best reflexes / condition for gaming, as I started playing quite young.
random funmixes will keep my aim "warm" still, not playing for a few weeks / months and then playing is obviously something else
But when I played with you that "not playing for weeks/months" wasn't something that would describe you bestest.

And you were a medskilled player before already. If you improved a lot, you would be med+ by now.

But since you say getting 60-70 headshots is easy at a map, please send me all your demos from the past month on which you succeeded in it.
i havn't been playing constantly enough (especially 6on6) to send you all my demos, although i did shoot like 60-70 hs i think on supply when i played yesterday, i wasn't being totally serious when i said i shoot 60hs easily though, it all depends :)
Swallowing your words already, I love it.
You crushed me, Rhand!
Next time i'll think twice before posting on crossfire :D
No problem, happens to everyone.
you have to got money if you want a bot?
ofcourse, public hacks are detected and or will be detected.
you cant get a private hacks for free :>?
dont have connections like you i guess!
why did you kick me xDDDD
You can't speak dutch, so it wasn't you.

Misteeeh Funneeeh !
65 headshots in 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if that makes you sleep better
if yawn is down it means that it won't be updated? I mean the names/dates/ips and all this shit..
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