Dpi Switcher in Razer Drivers

I have Razer DeathAdder but I think my question is valid for all Razer Mice users with Drivers On ofc!
Is this possible to create your own Profile with your preferred Dpi number? Instead of Drivers options of 450 and 900 Dpi I want to play on 400 or 800 Dpi
Second question is, what is the Default Dpi number of Razer DeathAdder without Drivers, 1800?
Third question, MouseTrails
start > run > regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse > MouseTrails, when I used Logitech Drivers (SetPoint) MouseTrails value was "1" but after Installing Razer's Drivers It changed to "0", so wtf is this and does it matter whether its ""0" or "1"?
logitech > razer imo :/
imo yes, i dont like razer
A Matter of Preference you know, I also didn't like Razers products before I've got DeathAdder
i dont like the shape of the razer mice, the technical aspects might be nice tho, i cant judge them ;)
mouse trails have nothing to do with dpi ...
it's just an option in the control panel->mouse thing.
you can't change dpi without the driver
You can only use 450,900 and 1800 DPI

Default DPI without drivers ever installed is 1800. If you install drivers with new firmware and for example put DPI to 450 and remove the drivers the mouse will stay at 450 DPi.
Thanks for info, I didn't know you can select your preferred Dpi and after you delete Drivers It stays on selected
you can with LOGITECH mx518 hueheuahuhrh
not possible and mousetrail is just a visual thing with windows cursor
So MouseTrails has nothing to do with win accel and its doesnt matter whether its ""0" or "1"? ?
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