hahahahah naga

sucking at lan? come spec :DDDDDDDD

unexpected :p
havent watched anything but i bet he plays on shit pc with 20 fps and some rollerball maus since the times of 1999
ye he's awful
let's see
tuus venttii pallo !
no lol mä ny noin myöhää enää hereil ollu :D
lowest damage except for zmk.

he's doing a rocky.
just pressure
good night mates...i go sleep :*
Poor Phobje playing with all those inet bimbot onlies :(
naga doesn't cheat, hes just not sitting comfortable
image: zdjecie.php?file=2e2f67616c657269612f494d475f353639382e6a7067&u=0

is poland recruiting soldiers on lan?
LAAAWL @ right guy
Anyone screenshot from stats?
laughing @ wiesiek's & FF's performance atm :D. they are loosing to some clan called exe :D
they are winning :s
atleast they lost frostbite, and wiesiek had 20 acc :D
bcka form the club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
extremly urly trhis weekend

need more nolifersi i kf;=CCCCCCCCCCCxDD
have specced him a bit now, he is playing pretty good.
it's all coz of FPS, naga said in radio that on his comp he have usually 3-6 times more FPS e.x. they have ~25 fps on grush :S
wiesiek sucks even more at LaN than naga.
Without to judge naga, but we should be carefully to call someone clean just because he is attending on lan. Remember koto, kmt, kenta and co.
my conclusion after watching naga 2,5 maps

He played smg engi so he didn't shoot that much, but he had always positive stats. His playing looked kinda same as online and he had some aim. I was missing those random 3hs actions, but still I'd say he looked clean..

(If he got a bot online, then he surely doesn't have it on all the time, but just rarely)
mis et oo ikin irkis!
well said
first time ever I see naga playing eng tbh
so, do u think he cheats online mr blue?
no, hes only tracking ppl while afk
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