Apache Server for iPhone/iPod Touch
24 Feb 2008, 15:38
It's running atm and all is working except one thing. I want that other ppl who aren't connected to my home network can also connect to it. How is it possible? I got a danonic IP and I'm already registered @ http://www.dyndns.com/
Random Info:
If you got a hacked iPhone/iPod Touch then add http://repo.bust3d.eu/ to your sources for awesome stuff!
Random Pic:
Random Info about the Random Pic:
It's Pokemon Smaragd and the guy isn't sleeping it's just a funny bug! :D
edit: It was already working xD thx to loctarar for the info ^_^
Random Info:
If you got a hacked iPhone/iPod Touch then add http://repo.bust3d.eu/ to your sources for awesome stuff!
Random Pic:
Random Info about the Random Pic:
It's Pokemon Smaragd and the guy isn't sleeping it's just a funny bug! :D
edit: It was already working xD thx to loctarar for the info ^_^
You can fit like... 20% of my library on that, woah awesome.
Thanks for buying it though, and thus making the other models cheaper.
If that reason isn't to listen to music during all waking hours of the day then I don't want to know what it is.
But is there any instruction for dummies how to do that? Jaibbraking and stuff? Cuz im really not into these things...