nades/pf/Rnades & me ...

... a story full of love and feelings!

first of all: hi ² pstarZ and killerboy (tha one and only admin). i just played vs pstarZ on sun-cup (#Sun-Cup) and how clear it was..we lost.
well its not such a surprise or sth else, but i just saw again how ALL nades & riflenades & pf's love me.

here an example:
supply depot gate planted, truck was near the end, and pstarz jsut made the pf trick (teamkill + revive -> KABUUUM). i knew that, and ran to the backside of spawn. pf shot and EVERYBODY stood there, and who got killed? -> me.

that fucks me so damn much up (but sometimes i lol bout this :DD), and now i wanna hear some voices of u. do u have the same prob like i have?

and some greetz: the hole pstarZ team, and killerboy, which saw my funny match x]
Quoteselfkill + revive

hmm, k
edited :DDD
haha xDDDDDD
No only trying to hit walls :D
all the fuckin time, rnade & panzer or nadespams gg
Someone "Thx for the info" pic :>
have fun in the next SunCup edition too :D
thx, we'll have it <3
lowb9b hippo o:
etbot kiff0 :(
hat sich zu lowb9b gereimt x]
I'm a rifle nade/nade magnet also. Mainly retards in cybergames publics though.

i know that, just went out of spawn, walked 2metres, killed 1 and BUM dead x.x
killerboy is an admin?
that is a bad thing :x xD
what a geek u R to post this shit
what a geek u are to reply on this shit!
i agree with both
murphy's law. there is nothing you can do against it!
am i ? :o
its all about the movement
yes I also have that -.-

3 guys of my team standing together , I run to the right side and pf shoots me instead of the 3 guys xD
you make me laugh
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