bnc needed !

huhu.. how ever .. all my bnc´s went down (sprd,vib,eicher,ufoleet,joop,.....)
so i need a new bnc :x

maybe someone can offer me an uberbnc for free ? :P
and no i dont take it from some guys which i never heard before or are trying to host sbnc on their own pc to get my auth :o

would be nice :)
thx bb

@edit dont need one anymore
bnc is big business
buy one fucker...
cadger :c
cZar offering us everything u need. Said by beasty 1 month ago
rofl true haha :D
jsut forgott that i paly there .. ROFL :D
btw.. still fucked up that u can´t live your dream and go to cdc4? :(
Naah, Im online only :D
didn´t sound like that when u tryied to get royal,pulza,me in the team :o
Yeah but afterwards I couldn't care less anymore :(
Why arn't you going anymore?
We made too much lineup changes
bncs are shyt
ask BLOBO but remember not to be opped in any channel xDD
#pwnd.bots tbfh
"and no i dont take it from some guys which i never heard before"

roffel idd...thats like being a beggar on the street and saying "no piss off I don't want your 5 euros Ive never seen u before".

buy 1 ffs
i have 5 but i am not kind person 8[
uh... k fu.. never a 3v3 with or against u !!!!
i will get royal & phate hateing u !
i dont need 5 i need only 1 so give it to me
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