Assassins Creed (PS3)


i just wanted to ask if anyone got the game for PS3 and if he is satisfied with it, plus if the tearing and slowdown rumors are true?

thx in advance
i like your config ^_^
It's fun to play for like 2 hours orso.
can we talk in irc?
you might want to wait its PC's release (just in case it sucks on PS3) :)
hmm ye maybe but i prefer consoles for such games. better controls :)
just get a PS controller ;) its definitly worth it
one of the best games i ever played
are u in irc? i would like to talk to u a bit :)
only played like one afternoon on the ps3 of a friend of mine, but he also said that it pwns in all aspects.
awesome game, buy it
did u experience that slowdowns or tearing?
great game viol <3
hmm its really laggy, you notice this on the final mission where you go out near the sea and climb a tower and suddenly u got more than 25fps the game is amazing... since the patch its abit better

but even so

worth the purchase :) story is good and you will want to buy #2 :)

i didnt have real trouble, except maybe in the last stage ye but thats bout it tbh :xxxxx
got ps3 have played it
don't like it
but its nice for a cupple of hours tho
which games do u like then?
it is pretty good for me, after patch there are no more fps lags for me
thx 4 all ur answers. i think ill buy it :)
its a pretty nice game, nice fight sequences but most thing i disliked was that all repeats itself..
killing some people, climbing up towers, jumping down and so on..
and it took me very very long time to find every single templar
ye the climbing towers shit to do more of the level was fucking annoying
never freezed, only got one slowdown in the seaport when i brought around 30 guards with me XD
one of most overrated games ever
its not overrated, everyone knows that it's repetitive, no one is denying it and saying it's the greatest game ever.
My cousin just got it @ PS3, he said it is a great game.
danke alex :)
np viol, hf with the game :p
sux after 1 hour imo
110% fun on the xbox, got the ring of death 3 days ago though :<
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