GCSE.... ET @ its low

@ this time i have my GCSE coming up so my ET level is coming down like a fucking bitch! <------- NERD

so i wont be playing really for about 4 months i will be on crossfire etc.

but if i dont see you around then i will see you when my GCSE ended! :)

this journal is fucking useless but oh well :DDDD

sounds almost as GOATSE
LOLOLOL that what i said last year didnt stop me, didnt even revise :/ and it made me a failure 5c's when i was like predicted A's
work in mcdonalds np.
Come on... GCSE's we're talking here. You could go in with a hangover and still come out with a pass.

For most people it's just 4 months off school, followed by a couple of week of piss easy exams.
those 2 sentences summed up all of my GCSEs
thats what you think! i might have an architeqture job so get down gyppo
school efford is overrated
gl man.
Good luck @ GCSE
haha gcses mean fuck all
you are taking school way too seriously
What the fuck man, don't do it. I spent the 4 months before my GCSE's on study leave, or "playing video games 16 hours a day" as I like to call it.

It does leave you bad habits, like because I've never revised before, I completely forgot about it in my first A level exams, but that can be attributed to my raging lazyness.

GCSE's aren't important at all*, and you will only regret changing your life style for 4 months.

* providing you don't make an epic fuck up
I spent the 4 months before my GCSE's on study leave, or "playing video games 16 hours a day" as I like to call it.

rofl ive never revivised before in my life for any thing... i dont know how to reviceeee but all i need is 5'Cs and 1 B for my motor sport mechanical engineering course :P
You don't need to quit gaming for GCSE's...all I did was "no war on the night before exams", if you start revising early (like now) for 30mins/day then np4u, and cram the night before also :D
GCSE's r piss easy you don't need to revise more than a day before them. I revised no more than a day b4 and some not at all and got 11 A-Cs (3As 6Bs 2Cs)

dont bother revising they r made for tards

also dont bother with A level more than a day b4 - also made for tards
Agreed, I didn't revise for any of them, and took one on a hangover :<

passed all 10

1 A*
4 A
4 B
1 C
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