.pl plz ..

Seriously, can we just ban all polish people from ET? This is actually a serious journal. Polish people ruin the game, they lag and they cheat. Look at the GGT lan, wiesiek, templar, naga,dialer.. they are not aiming NOTHING like online, wiesiek is constant 50 accuracy guy online, naga is 3 hs per kill online. I know there are some nice polish people but the majority are retards and ET will be better without polish laggers/cheaters, especially people like gnajda, radziu and sOme who are so obviously cheating ...

f1 / f2
I so fkin agree m8, the last few days my hate vs polaks has grown and grown, and you just confirmed my hate <3
wheres my banhammer?!
you dont have to play them if you dont want
you are true about wiesiek naga etc "unexpected"
What is more annoying is that there is people defending him, of course he is not going to be a fucking noob. He has played ET for years, like he proved at lan he is like med or med+ without cheating and the people who are saying he is not a cheater are just retards.
wiesiek played so many lans well so that still accusing him is just gay lol :D .
plz they all had a bad day
Simon says stfu ugly furfag
I don't think polish people cheat more often than players of other nations. However playing versus them is still frustrating as they seem to have the license to warp. It's not the players fault of course, but of their government which seems to be reluctant to improve the communications network over there.

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ggt2008 they got there 20,30 fps lol
shit happens, welcome to ET.
search west euro only or w/e
die fucktard, but first tell this to polish in rl.

Member For: 0 days

and maybe get courage to write it in your own name.
plz ban him
for suggesting he's littly nazi or saying my (maybe little overheated, soz) opinion?

but i'll delete this img, maybe i overdid it.
yep this picture wasnt so nice and it didnt matter you defend polish guys

but true - some nazi's ideas can be seen here
get face ?
TheDuck is a great polish guy and shouldnt be banned!
Since poltards ruined ET, I try to avoid clanwars versus them on ETQW also... I don't think that there's a game where 80% of poltard players doesn't cheat. o_o
cheaters should be banned, not 'poltards'
To much to handle :/ stop it ...both cheaters and accusers (don't use POLTARDS as that's against a whole nation,not a cheater)
nice creating account only to make this shitty journal ...
but my question is: have you ever been at lan ?
ive been and i know what you mean :)

alcohol,crap trains,chillout, fucked desks,
atmosphere all around.It's not sitting at home where you can be naked and with funny face while shooting xD

even mighty mystic was crap on lan but everyone was level down :D
so at the end of the day everything is the same !! apart from unhappy audience who would like to see 3hs per kill
hehe, thats what i mean :-)
hello from teh school olol
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