van bommel

most retarded football player ever? :D
why the hell is he whining all the time ?
at least he makes me laugh :D
->yesterday's action :DDDDDDDD
lol retardaction
owned by lutz wagner
rofl @ the ocmments
"dutch psychopath" :DDDD
stupid bommel :<
muhahahaha so nice :D
lol der hurensohn :D
Der Schiri ist das Arschloch. :-]
he's a nice player
hahaha xDDD
haha :DD da klappen was prachtig :p
hes nice @ comms
standaard actie, deed die ook altijd bij psv
bommel ownz, lold
haha selfowned :D
I <3 van Bommel. One of the few good things that come out of holland.

And I was in the stadium last night =D, first time in allianz arena.
91th minute <3 pro
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