Dear sweet xfirers

Recently formatted and for some gay reason the windows firewall seems to be inaccessible , ive tried seeing if its disabled from the administrive tools , running it manually firewall.cpl from start but bleh nothing is working

Make my day :

image: firewallboohoojk9
wtf , do i rly have to lol
get a free firewall its thousand time better than the microsoft one imo :/
meh maybe but ill try fixing this 1st ... any ideas ? :/
windows, lol!
i dont run other firewalls because they usually make my pc slow down dramatically
why would you want to put that windows firewall on :x
it becomes inaccebcible if you have some other firewall program running. Note that this is only with some programs.
i had Sunbelt Firewall. thx for the image, now i will download the comodo one :D
ok got the comodo one =)
i dont use torrent so perfect for me. I say to jaN which movie i want to see. And on the next day i go to him and load it on my external drive. so np 4 me ^^
cant you put it on the allow list , like bit torrent for example ? ://
Afaik you can just open the ports your bittorent client is using
Doubleclick the Comodo icon, click the Firewall button, click the My Port Sets button, press the Add A New Port button, enter the port your bittorent uses, press Apply.
i dont get what the fuss is , you can just put it on the allow list and if u want max protection just allow the ports ur downloading from...
what was the problem on the old one? i have the one
You must be stupid if you trust any personal firewall.
winxp sux
cant divide 1444 on 38 @ standart winxp calculator :[[[[[[[
:DDDDDDDDD m8, 1444/38 = 38
Why would you want to change those settings? It's the correct one.
u disabled the service? maybe via XPAntispy?
seems like WIN doesnt start the service...
yea got the new comodo ne way and the comodo malware should be good enough , just configured it to the right ports ... seems much better than the AVG crap
When editing Windows Firwall via cmd you use this command:

“netsh firewall”

Than you get the different commands that are available:

Netsh Firewall commands

The new netsh firewall command can be used to configure Windows Firewall.

This can be done either by opening a command prompt and executing the appropriate netsh commands, or by creating a batch file of netsh commands and running it from a run-once script.

Scenario 1

To disable Windows Firewall on XP SP2 machines in a domain environment, use the following command:

netsh firewall set opmode mode=DISABLE profile=DOMAIN

Scenario 2

Say you want to enable RDP because you want remote desktop to be enable, use the following command:

netsh firewall add portopening TCP 3389 blah enable any

But you also have to add the program with this command:

Netsh firewall add allowedprogram C:\WINDOWS\system32\mstsc.exe mstsc.exe ENABLE
system recovery?!
Just hacked your pc! Lot of porn you have i see...
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