My Razer DB (finally) broke up, so I have to buy new mouse. any recommendations?
I use Ulti-mat breathe x3.

edit: I think i will buy the 0ldsk00ler: ms intellimouse 3.0! any1 plays with this?
I had mx518 and it last like 2 weeks and broke up :D not gonna buy new one.
deathadder <3
bought razer DA recently and it pwns
but if u r used to razer db, u should maybe try new razer db3g, though it's drivers rly suck X_X
How do they suck? :D I havent had any problems with them sofar.
i get some accel when using it (but maybe its my fault) + only 2 dpi settings (800/1800 and im used to 400) which are bugged imo coz usually razer had kinda dividable settings like 400/800/1600 or 450/900/1800. But anyway it's better than usual da - Skipping problem was completely solved.
steelseries Ikari should be cool or if you like the diamondback style just buy the new version of it... Diamondback 3g is the same as the orginal exept that it has a better optical sensor.
Ikari looks scifi :-D any1 got logitech G1? is it good?

I have 4 options to choose the best one:
-Razer DA
-Razer DB
-Steelseries Ikari
-MS Intellimouse 3.0
G1 pwns @ 400 Dpi (but no mouse 4 mouse 5)
The DeathAdder got the best engine by far. You won't notice any skipping or negative acceleration at all. Same should go for the new DB, since they use the same sensor.

The G1 is pretty good as well, if you like the small size and the flat shape of it. It uses the same sensor as the MX510.

The Intelli Explorer 3.0 is a good mouse. Excellent shape and quite ok sensor. You will notice some negative acceleration, if you use it on 125hz, depending on your sensitivity. Some people find it weird to play with it though, since you can't draw a straigt line with it, as it does not have this line correction/prediction thingy new mice usually have. If you prefer symmetrical mice, you should have a look at the Intelli 1.1 (or even WMO 1.1). They use the same engine and are both pretty cheap (~10-20€).

I've been using Microsoft mice since 5 years now and never had any problems with them (even the cables didn't break).

In the end it's all about the shape. Just be sure you buy Microsoft, Logitech or Razer. I wouldn't go for the noname brands.

I'd not buy a laser mouse, unless you use quite some high sens (max 30cm/360°), which is pretty rare in the ET scene though ;-)
buy the same mouse you had because your used to it whats the point is changing a mouse if your used to it? :\
buy diamondback 3G
if u are used to the shape....np...and the 3g model...is much better than the simple one :>
deathadder ofc :P
DA is pretty gooooood
CopperHead or G5
I play with IME 3.0 and it gives only hs so buy it.
never heard of you!
omg he is teh slarppa :E
imo don't buy low dpi mouse boss ! go for something like 900 dpi even more cause you have got big ass screen so it works in high resoulution in windows.If you will play on 400 dpi its gonna be crappy
:D:D :D

thats my opinion boss.go for high dpi mouse (like deathadder)
looks nice,light,nice shape,no problems(just update FIRMWARE,so of the brand new mice die when you will switch HZ )
steelseries ikari optical or another razer db, those are the best mouses there are

do it
razer mouses sucks ass.. logitech mx518 ftw
buy my 2 db.
bought deathadder and i love it.
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