hey guys what you think?!

my logo competition ended today @ #nvc
the winner received this logo which will be used for their new clan coming in the next few days :)
positive and negative feedback would be nice :)


image: svl9c4

image: 6rn70n
Reminds me of the dignitas logo a bit!
I feel as if I'm turning into a resident asshole lately.
haha yes i thought after i made the yellow 3D version of the small one... because their site is yellow!! :( but i think it looks unique enough when you compare them next to eachother so i let it go :)
Design a logo for me and I'll forgive you!
go to sleep!
I can't!! Been trying forever! Think I'm turning insomniac.

Got to interview a boring writer in 3 hours, then race to work! Gonna be pissed off all day.
I like the white one more
black sux, white's good
needs more ninja attitude :O

image: inmwall
image: inmwall2
too bad the team died right after making that logo :P
i rly like the first one...could u create it for "Reliably.et" or send me the photoshop-files?
remake the clan?
looks like the dignitas logo
looks kvlt. thumbs up!
It does? D:

Also, listen to Avagddu
hehe, black with funeral doom, not bad combo, seems tr00 kvlt :). btw you depressed or smth? D: :D

ALSO: (my 3 fave funeral doom bands)
United States of AmericaKrohm (more depressive black tho but it gives a funeraldroom feeling, i really love what they do)

edit: its really hard to get albums of uberunderground bands like avagddu, so if you got a link or smth pls gief! :)
I'm friends with the guy, not asked him for any mp3's other than what's on the site though :)
nice work
damn nice work
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