vista -> xp question

hi folks!
I've been wondering if it's possible to format disk which has Vista
with a Windows XP disc and then if you can install XP with no problems?
well I never did that and I never had Vista
on friday I'm getting new pc with Vista preinstalled on it, but I don't want it since it sucks really hard. :o
indeed, vista sux if ur main focus is on gaming
u wont have any probs installing XP after formating ur harddisk with vista
but how about installing both? I bought my machine with vista...made a second partition...and installed XP with Q3-optimized drivers...then i made a third partition and installed XP again for all non-q3-games
at startup i am asked which OS i wanna start...pretty usefull and u can check if Vista rly sux ;)
Q3 optimized drivers?
Q3 optimized :DDD Every other modern card gets +700FPS in that game.
humm, Q3 is cpu based afaik, i get stable fps in UT3 and bioshock settings on high but don't have stable fps in ET
link to those drivers?
those are not Q3 optimized, but just optimized drivers :P

using those allready
if u r interested i´ll send u a link when i am at home...there should also be some especially for Q3...maybe Omega was the wrong one...cannot remember the exact name...
I'm using the omage drivers now, they are not specialy optimized for Q3 engine.

but I would like those drivers because teh only game I play is ET :>
search for NGO drivers...prolly thats the right one
just read that they r not specially developed "for" Q3...but it otimizes ur perfomence for about 10-20% - hf and dont be angry if ur system crashs ;D
Glad that you know that without even testing it first (more than few days) :D As you get it pre-installed with OS, and assembled, I'd say you don't know shit about computers in general :)

This is just plain silly, it begins to remind me of the XP vs. 98SE vs. W2k Pro debate :-----------D "XP is shit" now look at you, you all use XP(most of you). It is indeed tad lighter, but Vista is more responsive. Hey, XP is 7years old, 98SE is even lighter!
what a proud of ur knowledge and stop spreadin ur useless flames! u r not helpfull at all!
Who said first Vista to be shit?
Quoteindeed, vista sux if ur main focus is on gaming
How does it suck for gaming? Elaborate, don't be so vague. Vista performs better than XP and sometimes worse, all due bad drivers which aren't par with XP currently. What can you expect since XP has been available for 7+ years. The gap isn't that big, and the fact that Vista performs better on certain games counterbalances the fact that it performs slightly worse than XP on others. Such comments only show that you don't really know what you are talking about, for a new PC, Vista 64-bit is the only wise choice. You can "downgrade" the Vista(Ultimate, Business) license to XP Professional license by calling MS support, so that way it is a win-win situation.
Vista-optimzed games work better with Vista than with XP? What a surprise...u only proofed Vista causes probs if u use ur PC as a gaming machine...dunno what u wanna say else...
i do own a license of Vista and XP, i do use Vista for Office stuff and i´ve been using Win2k since about end of ´05 for gaming...XP qualified for gaming since SP2 fixes...Vista dindt qualifie at all right now except i have to play games like Crisis or Bioshock
Nice way of saying alot of nothing, I would concentrate on making real counter arguments.
Well lookout that you can get all the drivers for xp. New notebooks often don't have any xp drivers any more :).
Yes i did it w/o problems.But my insurance doesnt cover me now!
Might be that some components doesn't have matching drivers for WinXP... especially if it's a laptop.
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