config for movie needed please

i need a really nice movie config with everything on high and stuff just reallllyyyy pro!

settings are also fine!

thanks guys!
use quaky movie config for the 100000000nd time
just create your own or try one of the configs found here
antman is alive!
outch i see my cfg at your ftp, thx =)
use internet u fagg. 2008 biatch
image: braun
image: bremen
image: supply

but i publish my cfg later >:DDDDD
bitsit täysille ja gamma + hwgamma 1... kaikil melkee samanlaiset konffit aina.... koittakaa ees tehdä leffoista erlaisii.. samaa paskaa aina... vastaavat ku wingin ekas leffas oli ihan helmet.. joten älä munaa leffaasi
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