few words 'bout ggt

To all who talk about the Polish LAN (GGT 2008) and have no fucking clue what they are saying…

I’d like to explain a few important things which caused that people who were accused of cheating online performed worse on lan.

Firstly, we got up at 8 am to eat breakfast, got a shower and were preparing to play (the lan was supposed to start at 9 am]. Unfortunately the strong winds that had been blowing the day before let us know about them- there was no electricity for the whole night and almost the whole day either. We officially started playing at 9 pm but there was no way to avoid the delays connected with preparing the whole stuff to make it able to use- like hardware or configs. We were supposed to play vs decline at 11 pm and vs auth at midnight but it turned out that we played vs decline 15 minutes before midnight and a lot past midnight vs auth. Our last match should have been played at 3.45 am but it turned out to be played at 7 am, we finished at 8 and we went to sleep. We woke up a bit past 11 am to tidy our place a bit, prepare to go out and eat something of course.

To sum up everything I've written so far everyone was tired of long delay time, noone considers the fact that the first day was the time of drinking- not sleeping and that the second day was like 24 hours of playing because of the delay and with no sleep either [we- savaks- sleptt only 3 hours or so]...
That's all about the delays and amount of sleep.

Secondly, these are our game-places:
http://ggt2008.pl/zdjecie.php?file=2e2f67616c657269612f494d475f353736312e6a7067&u=0.53715300%201203943619 [random mice and keyboards of course]. If you had a big mousepad and a big keyobard you were kinda screwed up because there was no place for it. There was no chance to site in a comfortable way because you had to squeeze with your teammates and opponents who were sitting in front of you in a tight place. And that's not all. We were on the stage, the shoutcaster sat in the centre and the speakers that allowed the spectators to wach everything were placed near the players. Imagine a situation when you sit next to the speaker, you give some info and the guy who's supposed to get this info hears only the shoutcaster [MULTIKILL XXX] so what info do you get? FUCKING NONE

Thirdly- the PCs we had to play on.
You must be surprised with wiesiek's 20 acc and with naga's nad my mates' worse performance...
So imagine the situation- you're at home and the maximum amount of time you have to wait is 15 minutes [after that you get a w/o], you've got your stable fps. You come to the lan and wait 14 hours, you're very tired and you have no comfortable playing conditions | gfx cards integrated with the motherboard. What will you say about wiesiek's or naga's 40 fps on the lan comparing it to their 125 fps at home?


Btw. cheers to Lukey- [almost] the best man ever- and everyone I met on the lan: Arek, Karol, Adrian, Michal i drugi Michal [ekipa savakow!], Zsolt, stn, boski, naga, zmk, dialer, krein, noon, esclaw, azrael, miks, jebutor, errol, raiven, mrk, kaurza, blt, sokla, bandita and many, many more I can't remember now. IT WAS FANTASTIC! :D
How much time do you spend on an online-forum-post?
dunno how you do it but you make the most wonderfull comments and replies on crossfire
serious business
40fps at lan, like I believe that
A polish LAN?

Fuck off.
gtfo with your copied comments
gtfo with your copied comments
ok and now you feeling better?
Seems to be more space than you get at CDC :->
FF was drinking whole day, they didn't sleep even a minute , wiesiek was tired like hell after 48h nonsleeping, so i dont see visible reason to whine about him, any other player at lan... with 25 fps on the goldrush thay cant even aim body, so what's the point of urs comments ? ... PLZ BIG THX @ FOBJE for comming to pr0land... THX MATE, that was a pleasure !

I dont care about my engrish
"If you had a big mousepad and a big keyobard you were kinda screwed up because there was no place for it."

I see more than 1m place for keyboard and mouse on the pic. :p
fucking bullshit excuse moron
online only yuuuuuuu
jetro: how come none of you guys is in team poland
jetro: you guys are full of talent & experience
Yes, I will obviously be the one who would make such a retarded grammar mistake + you just kinda admitted that you and some of the other polish _skillerds_ were shit on LAN
i was pwning like hell so i dont know what are you talking about
did i mention your name?
"some of the other polish _skillerds_ were shit on LAN"

i am skilled so i took this to myself :P
didnt know that poland recruited soldiers for the army from there :O
ye maybe they sad: " if you got a 40% acc you must join us maybe that was the reason why naga etc sucked so hard
lal maybe a excuse but it was a polish lan so ...
whine, and theres more than enough place to play.
all what have you written here is true, but dont forget about one more thing - even with all these problems it was a pleasure to show there and meet such a nice people.
just all polaks cheat and they can't admit it ;P

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its just you guys - european nubs - cant stand that polish are aiming better
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