Virgin Broadband 20m/bit

Yeah so err after moving home i'm finally getting the internet back on 1st march. Spending like £31/month on a 20mb service... any other brits out there have this? Any chances of actually reaching 20mb or is it choppy or wot?

i wonna slap that bitch11
i hope you realize that 20 MBit != 20 MB
no, he means 20 mega per bit
"Virgin Broadband 20m/bit"
You'll get average speeds @ UK

I pay £30 for an 8MB connection right now, top sp33d = 850KB/s
LOLOLOL ur fucked/screwed over/gonna want to kill yourself.

As far as me and United Kingdom shiver have seen its fucking pathtic especially if your in one of the busy areas with the bandwidth cap, cause once thats activated 300ping ftw. they cap it to 4mbit if you download 1gb from 4-12 i think it is. but thats seemed to have stopped round me not sure about United Kingdom shiver

and my brother in manchester only got 11 i think max

EDiT: also whats worse is there bonking it up to 50mbit soon... so thats just gay.
virgin media are the worst provider in the uk at the moment

you will get an average download speed of around 10mb @ 20mb package and ping range of 20-90 @ uk servers, but all you will see on scoreboard is your average ping of 45-50 (range shouldnt rly exceed +/- 10 - and virgin have no idea about this [bullshit] - but its this average ping they sell their service by, and only those people who have a clue like me know how to see your ping range... and beleive me, its not good :)

i recomment - or if you own an O2 phone, take o2 broadband (who own be) for alot cheaper :)

i go there next week and from reliable sources who have a clue, its good for gaming :)
yeah i agree... or some unknown local provider that why u get very stable and fast connection, bad thing is they tend to be expensive
when's your map ready?
just do it, someone has to pay Richard Brandson's space experiments and the staff for his isle of love
I pay 27 quid a month for virgin 20meg


9am this morning 400-500 ping on uk servers. This happens more often than not. I've never been able to play games during the afternoon and onwards until 2-3am again.

Download speeds are generally quite shit although at times are very nice and i've even hit 1.9mb/s before. However expect to be downloading at 50kb/s and under 80% of the time
Im on talk talk broadband, some of the bad publicity its had i thought it would be shite, but its the best broadband i have had.
LUCKY !!! it should be flat 20/20 mbit with that speed guaranted.

it's optic fibre :D unluckily im not in the range :/

fibre optic* :P
i have a 50 meg business line. i also have a virgin media 20 meg line, and tbh, ive only had one problem in like 2 years with it. i know the fuckers throttle the bandwidth from like 4 pm to midnight, but in yer contract you signed, you agreed to let em do that. haha, fukkin small print eh.... on my 20 meg line though, i download at like 2.5 mbps, so i get a great connection with mine. i know virgin are upgrading the 20 meg lines att the moment to 50 meg around july time also.... so watch this space :)
yeah i heard about that, pretty awesome they decide to up them to 50 for free
yeah they up the speeds every so often, which the past few years has happened quite alot. but 50meg in a busy town is going to be pointless..
Had the Virgin Media 20mb connection for about 7 months now and i can't fault it.

It's been down twice the whole time i've had it and one of those times was a nationwide outage. It's never been off for longer than 4 hours.

I get zero packet loss when gaming, low steady pings and download speeds are unbelievable.

Instant full speeds (if the source allows it) of 2.34mb per second or 2300kb/s if you prefer.

The traffic management is the only thing you need to watch out for. You have a 3 gig limit between 4pm and 9pm which is absolutely fucking plenty. If you do go over it you get limited to only 5mb speeds.

As soon as your PC clock hits 9:01, download at full speed until 4pm the next day. I've never had the traffic management kick in, they are very precise on tracking the size of your downloads from 4pm to 9pm as i've download 2.9gb before and not been restricted.

I run from the virgin modem straight into a router which i have my PC connected to and my xbox 360. Xbox live works like a dream, you get seriously fast download speeds on that too.

I highly recommend this service, you won't be disappointed.
pls use the mb and mbit terms correctly. I doubt that they raise your speed to 5MB/s or limits u to download 5MB until 09.01 when u have downloaded 3GB :D
100mbit downlink 10mbit (actually more around 15mbit) uplink, 18£ np4sweden
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