EC/OC Signups

How many signups have been there last season? 170 or something like that?

Already 115 teams now and still two weeks until signups close.
great but take a look at that ec quali clans :/
Well, ET is old. Teams bargained for less activity and less teams so they would have a bigger chance of being invited or granted a qualification slot for the Eurocup. A lot of teams thought this way I guess. ^^
busted cheater alert
where am i busted>?
not really my case was never reviewed
last season there were more imo
You have to know, so tell me please :(
somewhere around 250 i think... unsure though
best season was like 3-4 seasons ago with 400+ signups !
Yup, 170 last season. But 1/4 didn´t really participate, forfeits and noshows...
saints - going for ec
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