
Anyone in the uk (sheffield area) just feel that earth quake?

wondered what the fuck it was!
you're just all gonna die, np
i live in liverpool n we felt it here too, bout 5 seconds long just before 1
there will be many lightnings, and alienroboters will take our world over
image: Longcat_IEDanimated
are you being serious>?
MEEEE!!! Omg, my pulse is still rocketing...
00:59 <@quad|> omg, earthquake
00:59 <@quad|> i almost crapped myself (figurately), i was really scared
01:00 <@quad|> as the house i'm in it's kinda old :-s
01:00 <@quad|> i the beginning i didn't know whether it was the wind or not,
coz when the wind blows really hard, the feeling is kinda similar
My brother was talking someone on msn and she said there was some earthquake. she lives in Stamford (?) .

I hope nobody died :o
fuck you :( wasnt fucking nice i just thought i was dyingz or smth
I live london and i felt it :<
sheffield and was pretty big :)
where in sheff u from?
glossop road, very close to the university. you ?
just a village called dinnington
so you're not at uni of shef, are you?
i thought it was my pet cat at first, then i thought why wud my cat be shaking my house :/ then thought maybe an earthquake , rly scared tho :'(
i dont like it :'(
was pretty cool tbh
those are just the islands trying to get back to eu
felt it in birmingham!
felt it in lincolnshire, fucker woke me up :<
thx4 reporting on crossfire ! Now go back to bed =p
and it woke up your computer too, right? :P
You was right that teh epi center which is why it was so big for you :D
Im in lincolnshire, it put my lights out and sent some dvd's off the shelf. 7.4 rhictor scale...good old yellowbelly county :)
didnt feel anything in iran i think ur lieing.
ALMIGHTYWALES didn't feel anything.
Either that or I was too busy on 2moons to notice anything :D
Yes there was an earth quake around 01.10 hours I live in wirral and me mate on msn said he felt it then and hes in liverpool and he sais his mate on msn in london felt it and im not being funny but I just felt another small tremmor as Im writing this now at 01.40 hours there very small they just wobbled my chair abit and made me drink swill round in the glass slightly. I dont think well be evacuating to any football stadiums just yet. Still weird last earthquake in england was in the early 80s that one went on for about a minute and was quite shaky really if im being honest I wouldnt say ricter scale but deafenetleyshaky anyhow u wont feel another tremor like that for another 20 years.
nah there was an earthquake about 5 years ago that i felt
Yeah there was, a very small one though.

Anyone who's interested, it was localised to lincolnshire, where I am, it was a 7.4 rhictor and was felt in 7 different countries.
Not that much news on BBC, they are letting the side down
Just heard on the radio we should be expecting aftershock....fantastic. :D
Ye, I felt it in Malta... So many damn UK people here its contagioús!
move to scotland! its earthquake free! :D mon e jocks

I'm in Cheshire area and I felt it throughly, our building was even evacuated! xD
uk is sinking, blubb blubb blubb x)
haha, lol :DD
Im in Stafford and felt it here.

I was like wtf was that? Must be more sleepy than I thought!
whine ?

mon e jocks !
give me the earthquakes address ffs, i kick its cunt bak to japan
school at midnight ?
It helped me reach climax.
yeah i felt it yesterday - it was about 00.45 -1.00am ish.
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